010. Training!

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Enjoy this chapter.😁

It's been two days since Tanjiro's trial, he spent most of the two days resting and healing his broken jaw. Zenitsu had been whining the entire time, not wanting to drink the medicine given to him. And (Y/N) had been in his separate room, with no windows, similar to Nezuko's. At night, though, (Y/N) would visit the room the boys were staying in. He wouldn't say much, just come in and lay on the extra bed, propped up in a way that he can read his book. Earlier that day they were visited by Aoi, one of the butterfly helpers and assistants, she mentioned they will be participating in rehabilitation training.
Tanjiro had healed the quickest and since (Y/N) was a demon, and could easily heal, he also was going to attend the training with him.

The next day was the first day of rehabilitation training, Tanjiro had gotten up early but was immediately shut down by Aoi, who said the training was scheduled for 7 pm, so that (Y/N) could participate.

Tanjiro had been bored for most of the day but was used to waking up late in the night to fight demons, so he wasn't tired at all when 7 pm came around.

(Y/N) had shown up to the room they were staying in fifteen minutes early, waiting for Tanjiro. As 7 pm rolled around, Tanjiro offered to walk with (Y/N) just to take the growing pressure off the room. What surprised him was (Y/N) saying yes.
They walked in the halls, not saying anything. . . It was becoming awkward, as they didn't know much about one another.

"S-so. . . What is your breathing style?"
Tanjiro asked, generally curious as
(Y/N) was a demon.
"I don't have one."
(Y/N) answered in a bland tone, Tanjiro was the slightest bit shocked as demon slayers always use breathing techniques. Not knowing what to talk about as they continued walking, Tanjiro inhaled to speak again.

"How old are you?"

(Y/N) turned his head just slightly to glance at him, his eyes sharp, yet bored and dull. It reminded Tanjiro of the water pillar. . . Tomioka Giyuu.
Seconds after Tanjiro asked this question he immediately flushed in embarrassment, realizing how rude that could sound to a demon.
"I-I mean! You look young I was just wondering if we were similar in age!"
Tanjiro stumbled over his words as he tried to justify himself.
"1016. . ." (Y/N) stared in front of him, not looking at the burgundy haired boy next to him. Tanjiro wasn't expecting an answer from him, as he had thought it was a sensitive topic. He kept his guard up as he walked, trying his best to see the demon in a different light.
"Oh, you are young!"
Tanjiro gave a glowing smile and stared ahead as they neared the door to the training room. (Y/N) hummed in response, not sure how to comment further.
Tanjiro smelled something, a sweet but bitter scent, grass? No... he didn't know. it quickly changed back to a dull scent that was (Y/N)'s phenomenon.
Tanjiro just shrugged it off, opening the door and heading inside, (Y/N) following quickly behind.
Aoi was waiting for the two boys in the center, three young girls stood next to the blue girl.
"Finally you boys show up!"
Aoi yelled in an annoyed tone, her brows furrowed.
Tanjiro bowed 90°, his eyes shut tightly and a small pout on his lips.
"Gomen" (Y/N) spoke softly, his dull eyes piercing the blue butterfly, before breaking eye contact and bowing just enough to not come across as rude.
Tanjiro smelled a heavy scent of annoyance radiating off of the demon before it quickly seized.
Aoi nodded and turned her back toward them.
"Before we begin, you'll both need to limber up your bodies. I wouldn't want you pulling a muscle, now would I?" Aoi spoke in a strict tone.
"These girls' job is to stretch you."
The three girls smiled, though they smelled nervous, Tanjiro smiled back and waved at them.
Tanjiro was stretched first and he cried out "it was fine", and "you can do more" though on the inside he was crying and wailing in pain.
After Tanjiro, was (Y/N), thought the girls were kind of scared of him, they continued the routine.
"Waah! (Y/N)-san is so loose and very flexible!" The green girl said, pushing the demon into a strange position Tanjiro couldn't even do. Tanjiro's jaw dropped slightly at the demon's neutral gaze, even though he was practically being bent in half by the three girls who were amazed by his flexibility.
Tanjiro gulped slightly as he felt a strong aura around the demon male. Sniffing the air and catching the slightest hint of anger. Tanjiro sweatdropped at this and watched the male closely, to make sure he wasn't going to kill anyone.

After three hours of training their bodies, Tanjiro was exhausted. He lay on the floor, panting and sweating. Tanjiro turned his head toward (Y/N)
To see if he was tired as well, though he was shocked to see (Y/N) not even sweating, his emotionless expression still etched onto his face.
He was sitting up, and staring at nothing, almost like a doll.

"Alright, that's it you two. Go get some rest and bathe."
Aoi said, a tired expression on her face, her blue eyes were clouded with sleep and she gathered the training equipment.
Tanjiro stood up and bowed toward her, (Y/N) standing soon after.
"Arigato! For taking time out of your night to train us I appreciate it!"
Tanjiro thanked them in a loud voice, Aoi hissed and quickly scolded him for being loud so late at night.
He bowed again and apologized, told the girl good night, and slowly left the room.
(Y/N) had gone already while Tanjiro was speaking to Aoi, so Tanjiro was walking back on his own. Thinking of the progress he made and how much stronger he will become.

1017 words!
I think this is the longest chapter I've ever made? 🤔
I stayed up late to make this so I hope you guys enjoyed it. :)

(Y/N) was turned into a demon when he was 16, so he's been a demon for 1000 years!

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