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Tommy's pov:
I go downstairs to see Ranboo and Tubbo in the kitchen eating but No sight of Y/n.I walked up to them and saw a plate with a sticky note on it
Hey Toms this plates yours,i made it this morning anyway i just had to run to Jacks real quick to pick up something i left when we played fears to fathom the other day off stream,be back soon hope you like breakfast
I shrug my shoulders they normally forget a lot at Jack's so its no surprise to me.I start eating my breakfast when the door opened to reveal Jack and Y/n there
Y/n:i invited Jack over to stream with you guys i know you wanted me to be in it but i'm just not ready yet
Tommy:thats okay thanks for breakfast and for Jack
Jack:you act like i'm a present you just got for Christmas
I chuckle a bit as i put my plate along with Toby's and Ranboo's in the sink.I go upstairs with Tubbo to get some Mcc training in
Y/n's pov:
I give Jack a plate of breakfast as my dad came downstairs drunk as hell.I heat up his food and give it to him as i take Jack and Ranboo to the backyard to eat.I didn't feel like listening to my dad today so i avoided him as much as possible.I hear him call my name so i take Jacks plate and supposedly my dad's since he was done with it and started to wash dishes.My dad got up and walked out the door.
Ranboo:that was odd was he drunk?
Jack:goofy ass
We start laughing as i washed a cup.I got startled when i felt a weight on my shoulder quickly figuring out that it was Ranboo calmed me down a little
Jack:why am i always the third wheel?
We laugh again as he walks up the stairs towards Tommy's room
Y/n:so why ya all clingy these past 2 days
Ranboo:i don't know just feel clingy
Y/n:you know when we went to the Thames i had to carry you this morning
Ranboo:really?!could you?
Y/n:yep i was shocked myself
Ranboo:my strongman
Y/n:my toddler
I chuckled at the nicknames we gave each other,i dry my hands and sit on the counter as he puts his forehead on my shoulder
Ranboo:you smell good
Y/n:creepy why you sniffing me
Ranboo:cause i don't know maybe when i breathe i can smell everything around me
I laugh a little at his statement before he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.
Ranboo:i know you don't like hugging i'm trying my best not to hug you
Y/n:and your doing great im sorry i can't comfort you the way you like
Ranboo:its ok your doing your best and thats what matters the most
I smile a bit as i hear screaming.I look and i see Toby running away from Tommy as he chases him around with a pillow.I laugh again,man my friends are funny.I get off the counter much to Ranboo's disapproval and grabbed my keys.
He runs down the stairs and grabs the keys from my hand.I tell the others me and Jack are going to Tesco real quick and then we leave.We start talking about fear to fathom
Y/n:No i was genuinely scared at the hitchhike part
Jack:yea it was pretty scary except when it felt like we were high off of drugs
Y/n:heh yea that was cool
We pull into Tesco and decided just to get dinner for tonight and a couple of snacks for the road.We get down the isle with the candy and we see a person there.They come up to us and start barking so we grab what we need,pay,and get back into the car.We looked at each other and he looked so terrified.He sped home and we got inside still looking traumatized from that curious encounter.
Tubbo:what happened
Tommy:yea did you guys die then come back to life
Jack:it feels like it
Y/n:we just wanted to get candy
Jack:then this person came up to us and just started barking so we grabbed our candy and went to checkouts with them still barking at us.We ran to the car and sped home.
Tommy:ok are you sure it wasn't James
Jack:No it was a young girl
Tubbo:probably just a simp
Jack:ah yes a simp that barks and follows us around a store
Ranboo:hey ya never know
He says shrugging.I also shrug and take out all the stuff.
Y/n:did that bitch steal my monster!
Ranboo:No i'm the bitch who stole it
I look him dead in the eyes and he opens it while giving it back to me
Tubbo:OI Y/n stop being scary
Tommy:i have to live with that
Jack:i basically live with that
Tommy:its like Techno 2.0
Y/n:y'know i take that as a compliment
I go up towards my room and flop on my bed.I get underneath the blanket as i hear someone come in my room
Jack:hey you alright
Y/n:yea just tired
Jack:ok i'm gonna be staying the night so tell me if you need me
Y/n:will do bossman wake me up if anything interesting happens
Jack:will do
He leaves and i just curl up underneath my blankets for about an hour until my door is being slammed open
Tubbo:Road trip,shoes on lets go
Y/n:do i get shotgun
Tubbo:nope your driving
I groan in disgust as i get up and put on my shoes.I grab my bag and put a book inside alongside my charger and bluetooth headphones.I head downstairs and get the prepared cooler and grab me and Jacks snacks from yesterday.
Y/n:i'll give you my Nintendo so you can play with Toby and Ranboo if you sit in the back
He pauses
I lightly chuckle and grab things for s'mores and grab my car keys
I say as i grab my dad's wallet.I take a couple hundred dollars and make sure it isn't noticeable before putting the wallet back on the countertop.
Tubbo:how much money do you need
Y/n:$100 for fun and another $200 for booze
Tommy:Jack i couldn't stop him he took shotgun
Y/n:can we get on the road now while i still have energy
We all walk out the house and lock the doors.I sit in the drivers seat and see Ranboo in the passenger whilst Jack is in the middle of Tommy and Tubbo.This should be fun

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