Late night drive

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Y/n's pov:
Its 10:00pm now.I can't sleep.I fear that if i fall asleep he's come get me.My door suddenly opened up and i see Ranboo come into my dark room dimly lit up by my Minecraft creeper lamp
Ranboo:i have anxiety
Y/n:its Okay Boo its probably just cause your jet lagged
Ranboo:ok do you have melatonin
Y/n:yes its strong so make sure to take it with water so it doesn't hurt your stomach
Ranboo:ok thanks Y/n
Y/n:no problem Ran
He leaves and i go on my phone for about an hour til i see my door open again.Its Ranboo again but he's holding a blanket around his shoulders and i hear him sniffling.i instantly go into father mode and race to his side.He looks me in the eyes and i could see tears threatening to spill.I grab his hand and start rubbing his knuckles to try and calm him down
Y/n:whats wrong boo
I said softly,i'm not trying to scare him so i slowly lift my hand and wipe any tears on his cheeks.He bursts out sobbing and i feel bad for him because i'm not a hugger so i can't comfort him the way he likes.He starts slumping to the floor so i follow his actions.His hands are shaky and clammy,his anxiety must be so horrible right now.
Y/n:I can't help if i don't know whats wrong
Ranboo:i-i had this terrible n-nightmare so my a-anxiety g-got really bad and-and
Y/n:its ok take your time
I put my hand in his hair and starts rubbing his head hoping it would help him calm down
Ranboo:and i threw u-up,it was hor-horrible
Y/n:awe its okay nightmares aren't real
Ranboo:it seemed so-so r-real though
Y/n:its not real so how about we get shoes on and go on a late night drive to the riverside hows that sound
He slowly nods his head so i help him up.He calms down too so thats good.I ruffle his hair once more before i go to my bathroom and grab a washcloth.I wet the cloth and start wiping his shirt off from his throw up.He thanks me and i go to his room across the halls.I look inside his bags and see he had no Jim jams's so i go back to my room and look through my closet to find an oversized jumper for him.Once i find one i look for sweatpants too.I give him the clothes and lead him to my bathroom and i wait for him to put on the clothes.The sweatpants had mushrooms on it while the jumper has little Dino's on the chest.He comes out and puts on his crocs as i put mine on.I grab my keys and we go to my car.I start the car and we drive to the nearest Tesco to get snacks.We grabbed a monster each and i got skittles while he got m&m's.We got back in the car and we made it to the riverside that over looks the thames.We saw dozens of stars in the sky as i shut my car off the lights also turning off.We start eating our candy and drinking our monster until we heard the bell chime  midnight.We went outside and we saw orange lights fill up the sky.I grabbed a blanket from the boot of the car and laid it down on the grass.Me and Ranboo sat down and watched hundreds of lanterns fill the night sky up almost illuminating the stars even more.I look over and see Ranboo looking up and smiling,i slightly smile myself at him being happy.It soon turned 1:00am and the lanterns stopped so we went back to the car and just sat there.I looked over at Ranboo and he had his seat back while he softly slept.I kept staring at him.His eyes were red and puffy as dried tears tracked down his cheeks.He looked small in my clothes as he was curled up into a ball on the seat with a throw blanket around his shoulders.i could hear his slight snores as he slept too.I grabbed his hand again and started to rub his knuckles.I soon fell asleep too after texting Tommy not to worry and that i wasn't kidnapped.
-morning time-
It was around 8:00am when i woke up and actually remembered where i was.I looked over and Ranboo was still sleeping so i just drove home while drinking the rest of my flat monster.I got back to the house and was surprised when i could actually carry Ranboo with me being on 5'7 compared to 6'6.I carried him all the way to his room and laid him underneath his blankets.I went to leave but he grabbed my arm
Ranboo:don't go...please
Y/n:i have to go make breakfast Ran i'll be right back to check on you
He starts tugging on my arm desperately.I feel really bad but dad came back late last night and he'll get mad if i don't make breakfast.Ranboo doesn't know that my dad is a manwhore or that all me and Tommy have are each other.
Y/n:i'll check up on you in half hour does that sound good?
He nods his head slowly as he lets go of me and goes back to sleep.I close his door carefully and go down to the kitchen.i make french toast with bacon.Before i could put the bacon in i hear cries upstairs,it hasn't been half hour has it?.I check my phone and an hour has gone by,Shit forgot to set a timer stupid brain.I rush up the stairs and to his room,he isn't there but he's in the bathroom.His back is to the wall and he's hugging his knees.I drop to the ground and immediately rush to his aid.there was throw up in the toilet bowl and his mask was on.He starts gripping his hair but i grab his hands before he could harm himself.I put his hand on my chest
Y/n:breathe to my heart beat
He starts calming down and i wipe his tears.I also wipe his mouth of spit and any excess throw up with a cloth.He wobbly stands up and flushes the toilet as i help him down the stairs and to the kitchen counter.I finish cooking breakfast with him,with him sitting on the counter.I'm glad he's okay now and i'm glad i could help him out too.

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