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A/n:Your username is Big Cums so when you see Big Cums don't be confused because i told you
Y/n's pov:
I walked through the yellow hallways not knowing where to go rather just wandering.It was cold and i could see my breath but in some area's it was hotter than ever.The buzzing sound ringing loudly through my ears was enough to make me go insane.I walked some more steps to hear my feet sloshing in the damp carpet.I put my hand on the wall following the ride side until i found Arrows pointing in certain directions.It looked suspicious but i had nothing else.It led me to a ladder which i climbed.Then i found the group.I was lucky to be here with multiple people and not just myself.we huddled around a table with multiple radio's and papers scattered.I looked through the different entities making sure i get as much information as humanly possible.We then walked through a door that lead to some walls that looked like offices.There was numbers and a note in a corner basically showing 1 2 3 4.It took some time but me and Charlie had figured out the code that led to some elevator that took us down into a darker part of the hallways.It was much scarier than before and colder.I had goosebumps lining my arms and my thin breath's up in the air.We find more papers with more entities and some drink.Almond sounds interesting.We start walking down a corridor and find some pathways.Theres a big smiler on a wall and we immediately go towards the light.Charlie gets in a locker for no apparent reason and we kinda just stay in that room.Tommy switches places with Charlie in the locker but we get him out and we go towards some capture thing.I solve it then a door appears.I run through and i see a massive clock that reminds me of Stranger things.They follow me after i give them brief instructions on how to do so and we find out we need to find clock hands.Ranboo then appears out of no where.
Y/n:damn it fine you can play with us
Tommy:Would the radio work if i start playing music
Charlie:please don't the buzzing in the game is already enough
Tommy:ima do it still but when you least expect it
Y/n:guys we need to get back to the game
We go back outside the clock room and start to walk around.We go through multiple doors and hallways but theres nothing.Finally we go through a door and close it.Tommy start's whistling and soon me and Charlie join in too
Ranboo:guys you gotta stop whistling
Charlie:i can't i'm like a whole train
A demon dog comes through the door and starts to chase us so Charlie and Tommy book it down a dead end and i book it out the door leaving them.Unfortunately the dog shows up when I least expected it and kills me.
Ranboo:thats what you get for whistling
I woke up in the same hallway i died in.That was not pleasant.I now was split off from the group not knowing if they survived or died or just walked off without me.I look in my inventory and my Almond water is gone but my radio is still there.Someone must've took my almond water to heal themselves
Ranboo:Charlie get out of that room that room is radioactive
Charlie:oh that makes SO MUCH SENSE
He's in the radioactive room?Why is there a radioactive room?!I finally found Ranboo and Tommy in the mess of yellow hallways and we start guiding Charlie out of the radioactive room via Radio.He lost three of his lives but he made it out safely.We walk down this long hallway into another hallway but we see the beast again so we run but the Smiler comes back and kills Tommy and Ranboo.Me and Charlie split off and i see the tag of
Home alone 2 is dead
Wife haver is dead
Slimecicle is dead
I didn't want to die again so i hid in an empty room with one exit.That was pretty stupid of me because the beast found me and cornered me so i died.
Charlie:find the luminous door
Y/n:i will and i just did
I wake up again in that same room.I guess the others are still trying to find the luminous door because i only saw my tag
Big cums is alive
This time i hide in a locker and i hear Tommy and Charlie talking about another beast going towards Charlie
Ranboo:i'm spinning left i'm just spinning left-AHH I SEE THE DOG
Charlie:look into its eyes
Home alone 2 is dead
I meet with Charlie in a room full of corpses
Y/n:one of these has got to be corpse husband
Tommy:i'm coming to the corpse room and getting anxiety pills
Charlie:i'm comming
Tommy:turn around Charlie
Charlie:wait don't or do?
Tommy:turn around
We see the smiler and so we hide with this locked locker.Next thing is a wire beast comes and attacks us.Luckily we all escape the wire monster and we drink almond water.Well not me.The wire beast then finds us and chases us again but we run and go back down some hallways.we go towards the room but the wire beast gets all three of us.
Slimecicle is dead
Wife haver is dead
Big cums is dead
Ranboo:i'm still spinning
Y/n:sucks to be you
Ranboo:didn't you die?
Y/n:if someone didn't steal my almond water when i had first died then i wouldn't be dead right now
Tommy:oops that was my fault
Y/n:your so lucky i'm not a room over to you right now i would kill you
Tommy:hah but you can't because your in the US with Ranboo
He sounded kinda sad when he said US.I wish i couldn't leave him there.
Y/n:Toms i would've brought you if Mum said yes
Tommy:lets get back to the game shall we
Big cums is alive
I hear music play through the radio,probably Tommy playing sweet child O'mine.Ranboo says he's still spinning and the wire beast is still chasing me Tommy and Charlie.Charlie goes through a door and me and Tommy go off into some hallways.We find Charlie again once we found Ranboo and we stay where we had found the smiler for the first time.
-Timeskip to after stream because this chapter is getting way too long-
Y/n:So Thanks Chat for being here and You might see me often because i'm gonna start streaming.i didn't really want to do anything on camera until i was in the trampoline vlog and Then i did a few more vlogs and met Ranboo.He and other gave me a lot of courage and hopefully this can boost my confidence up a lot more.Well i'll let Ranboo say bye but it was nice streaming with you guys
I switch seats with Ranboo and he finishes his stream whilst i go on my phone.We invited Charlie back over to have dinner and possibly sleepover.
Y/n:Boo what should we have for dinner?
Ranboo:i don't know all that yelling has made me tired so i don't really want to cook
Y/n:same.Maybe we could just order i know we just had Mcdonalds but we're all probably tired
Ranboo:Okay we can figure it out when Charlie gets here
Charlie:i'm already here
He burst through the door and we start talking about dinner.We ultimately decided on ordering KFC so we waited downstairs til it came.We soon ate and got all cozy in Pj's.We decided to watch movies til we fell asleep so thats what we did.We watched Adventure,comedy,we even watched Horror to set the mood of the backrooms.We all curled up on the couch and fell asleep whilst watching the the lord of the rings series all somewhat sleeping on each other (Not in a dirty way if you thought that your nasty).

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