Chapter Three [remastered]

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He was enormous. That was the first thing Lilac noticed. Looking from the size of his black, leather shoes, she immediately concluded that he was indeed, huge. He wore black trousers that fit his muscular legs magnificently, and he donned an aura of quiet confidence, as if he were a man that knew who he was and what he existed for. His stance was relaxed and sure, the complete opposite of how Lilac was feeling.

     Before she could continue her observation, the man spoke. She was still hidden by Madame Laurela, but she could see him perfectly. She saw Kiera leave the room, the door not creaking even as it closed. 

     "Devos," the man greeted, nodding towards the old man in front of the painting. His voice was deep and unintentionally intimidating that Lilac, who was well-versed in a lot of things but nevertheless sheltered all her life, felt her stomach coil, her desire to flee heightening the more the seconds passed by.

     He had an aura that commanded the entire room.  Lilac subconsciously cowered behind Madame Laurela. 

     Her throat felt dry, her hands growing cold all out of sheer nerves and a slight touch of terror. What am I even afraid of? Lilac asked, starting to lose patience with herself.

     Sir Devos turned around, looking amused. "Well, blast it, you lout. I had my money on it that you wouldn't present yourself to us tonight."

     "I invited you, it's only proper to greet you all personally and thank you for accepting my invitation," he answered smoothly.

A well-spoken man, Lilac thought. Ofcourse.

     "Well-mannered as always, Ethan. I'm already hearing all the girls swoon from the other continents," commented Sir Heindrich.

     "Heindrich," said the man.

     Finally he turned to The Sage, and said, "Sir."


     The Sage nodded in acknowledgment . "Ethan."

     Lilac couldn't see his face well, but she knew he was looking at Madame Laurela.

     He began walking closer towards the old Prodigy, to them, and Lilac's heart began thumping. She felt a strange burn at the back of her neck, but she dismissed it, assuming that it was nothing but a mere post-effect of being exposed to the cold air earlier.

     "Laurela," he greeted.

      Lilac could feel the nearness of his presence and if she could only shrink and hide inside her dress, she would have done so by now.

     She was irrationally yet absolutely scared of him.

     It's alright, Lilac tried chanting inside her head, staring intensely at her shoes as if she was mentally willing them to change their form.

    She convinced herself that the fear she felt was only because of how everything was new to her, the stark difference of the outside world starting to take its toll on her. As it would on any other being.

     When she finally raised her head, her eyes came in contact with a massive chest clad in a white button-up shirt underneath an unbuttoned black suit.

     Lilac wasn't sure whether it was due to the nerves, or just her being her, but she was suddenly aware of everything once more. She could hear the pounding of her heart in her ears, could feel the coldness of her hand and the burn at the back of her neck, could smell his masculine scent.

     "And who might you be?" the Alpha asked, voice low and gentle yet demanding an answer.

     Lilac lifted her eyes hesitantly, passing his broad shoulders,  the tan skin of his throat, the slight stubble on his well-defined jaw, his lips, his nose and finally his, eyes. It was startlingly the color of deep blue, surrounded by a thin ring of silver that danced aflame as her pale violet eyes burned into his. Wolf.

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