Chapter Four [remastered]

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Lilac wanted to go home. The moment she exited the door, the number of people have doubled, rendering the entire mansion packed.

     Her mind kept replaying the events from only a few minutes ago, mulling them over and over, knowing doing so was futile and would change nothing. Yet she couldn't stop thinking, and so lost in the little nooks and corners of her relentless mind, she almost bumped into a couple who were busy talking to each other, laughter laced in between sentences. Retreating backwards to avoid them, she heard a squeal and felt the back of her clothing gradually get soaked.

Lilac spun around and she was greeted by a blonde-haired girl who looked about the same age as her, dressed in a burgundy gown which had lace sleeves up to her wrists. Her golden hair was tied back, curls hanging loosely on the middle of her back.

     "I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, looking horrified. "I swear I didn't mean to- You sort of knocked out my drink... Um, I'm dead. You're one of them. Oh shit. Shit, shit. The Alpha will have my head. I'm too young to die-"

     "It's okay," Lilac cut her off awkwardly, halting her rambling. "It's my fault. Sorry. I should have looked at where I'm going."

     The girl's mouth hang open, before she snapped it close, and extended her hand, her eyes fixed on hers. "I'm Arianne," she whispered, looking at Lilac in wonder.

     Lilac stared at her for a while, not knowing how to react. "Oh. I'm Lilac. Sorry," she replied after an awkward minute, briefly shaking Arianne's hand with her cold one.

     Arianne smiled. "After your eyes," she replied warmly before adding, "They're beautiful. Sorry, I'm being creepy. It's just that your eyes- I've never really seen.. uh, pale violet eyes before."

Neither had Lilac. She didn't think there even was a living being with actual lilac eyes aside from her. Just one of the little things that made her feel different instead of special, an outsider to the world, with the worst part not being able to be inquisitive about it. Prodigies, by oath, were not supposed to seek answers over their own selves.

     Lilac shifted on one foot. "Thank you," she replied, flattered yet slightly uncomfortable, not used to receiving compliments over her physical attributes. "Have you.. Have you seen my companions? I'm lost," she said helplessly, looking at the numerous throngs of people.

      "Sorry, I'm not sure. Do you want to sit with us first though? I'll make Mark look for them," she offered, but before Lilac could either accept or refuse, she was already getting dragged across the room.

     "Mark?" she asked, confused.

     "He's my mate."

     At that word, Lilac stiffened, remembering what just occurred earlier.

Given her nature, she wasn't clueless on what mating was. She knew exactly what mates were. They've studied about it back home. She knew the traditions of werewolves, how finding a mate was a life-altering occurrence. Everything. She knew everything, which was also how she knew that the chances of an Alpha mating with someone not from his kind and not of powerful lineage were slim to none.

     Fate works in the most mysterious way, wouldn't you agree?

     "Are you okay?" Arianne asked, worried.

     Lilac looked up, jostled back into reality. "Yes I'm- I'm fine."

     Arianne sat at the table located at the side of the hall. There was only one person sitting there, a guy with a lean physique and brown hair. He was smiling at Arianne, his brown eyes twinkling with traces of good natured mischief.

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