Chapter Five [remastered]

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     The event seemed to go on for ages. Lilac couldn't understand how people could enjoy talking to others for that long. The music was now mellow and tender and Lilac stared in fascination as one by one, the people stood to go to the wide, vacant space. It took a moment before she realized they were there to dance.

    Lilac shivered, her body not winning against the cold. "Are you okay?" Madame Laurela asked.

"I think I need to change my clothes," she murmured distractedly, touching the damp portion of her clothes. "When are we going back?"

Madame Laurela stared at her thoughtfully for a while, as if she wanted to say something. She shook her head, deciding against it, before answering, "We leave at dawn."

"I think I'm ready to retire for tonight," Sir Heindrich said, yawning loudly, a contrast against the faint noise brought about by others still riding the heights of the celebration.

Sir Devos was already snoring, clutching his precious bottle of wine to his chest in his sleep. Madame Laurela stared in disapproval at the sleeping old man. "He's disgusting."

"Perhaps it's time for us to rest," the Sage announced.

"Ofcourse, Sage," she replied while narrowing her eyes to Sir Heindrich and hissed, "Wake that old fool," gaze darting to Sir Devos.

Lilac would feel amused if she wasn't as preoccupied with her thoughts. What's going to happen now? Would anything change?

"Where's Kiera?" Sir Heindrich asked.

"I'm here," a voice suddenly answered. They all turned around, except Sir Devos, of course, who seemed very deep into his slumber.

     "Ah, our favorite walking map," Sir Heindrich said good-naturedly. "Don't want to get lost in this mansion again, do we, Laurela?"

     Somehow the mental image of the old Prodigies getting lost in the pack mansion seemed very comical to Lilac that she had to swallow to prevent an amused chuckle from tumbling out.

Kiera smiled. "Would you like me to escort you all to your rooms?"

"Please," Madame Laurela answered.

Soon, Kiera was leading them towards a long hall with paintings on the huge, white walls. They ascended through flights of steps in the stairs.

"The Sage's room is in the farthest east. From there, the rooms are yours, Sir Devos, then Sir Heindrich," Kiera instructed. "Your belongings are there inside your own closet. They're still inside your bag. We haven't touched anything. Inside the bathroom, there's a warm bath waiting for each of you. Each room is already set in a warmer condition, so the cold shouldn't be any trouble."

Sir Heindrich assisted the Sage towards his room, while a guy who looked like her age and carried great resemblance with Kiera, was helping Sir Devos stand upright. It looked like there was a need for great effort, since it seemed that Sir Devos was already travelling through Atlantis in his sleep while standing.

"Francis, I trust that you'll help Sir Devos just fine," Kiera said sternly.

"Yes, ma'am," Francis answered sarcastically with a mock salute before almost practically dragging the old man. "Sisters," Francis uttered in his breath exasperatedly.

"Teenagers," Kiera muttered in disapproval. Her grimace vanished when she looked at Madame Laurela and Lilac. She smiled widely. "Forgive me, that was my brother. Now, if you can follow me, please," she said.

Kiera led them across the west wing of the mansion. It was even more quiet that if someone were to be inside a room, he would not be aware of the celebration downstairs. "This wing is facing the woods. Such beautiful woods," Kiera murmured. "You could see it from the windows. All your things are also inside and a warm bath awaits for your arrival."

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