1 - this is going to be hell

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Ouran High School, what a strange place I chose to study at. It was mostly because it seemed comfortable and I know Haruhi. I hope I'll get into the same class as her. Well, she's supposed to be here any minute now.

"Hey Aiko!" Haruhi's voice has never changed, you were excited to go to a school with some filthy rich people.

"Hey hey Haruhi! Long time no see or what?" you greet her with your usual tone and way, you have always been charismatic and sarcastic. You don't really like spoiled kids, but when Haruhi could manage it, you could too.

"Good, like always, how are you? I can still see that cheeky smile" Haruhi chuckled as you walked through the school gates.

"I'm perfect, of course and uh why are you wearing the boys uniform?" you point at her outfit, she didn't seem the type to wear a suit. You knew that she had short hair but didn't find her to be a masculine person.

"Oh it's a long story. Why are you wearing a boy's uniform?"

"I hate the dress and pink tax," you smile as you two walk to the school "holy shit this place is big" your eyes wander around.

"You're not wrong about that...what class have you been assigned to?" Haruhi turned to you, patiently waiting for your response.

"I have zero clue, but I was told to go to music room three and a boy will lead me there?" you shrug.

"Hm, it's funny since me and the host club I'm in work there!" she blushed from happiness. As you walk near the room and to the door, she tells you everything that has happened to her in a few mothns.

"That is crazy, what a y/n moment to be honest, but I'm not fond of host clubs, especially at school, like" you two walk in the room, a group of guys standing there and gawking at you as you speak, "filthy rich boy's playing with girls feelings for money, spoiled little brats or what? They have all the money they need anyways! It's so weird to flirt with girls like that, like get a life you know?"

Haruhi slowly turns to you as you slowly look at the room "Oh hello boys" not caring at all that you basically trash talked them in front of them, being a good commoner that you are.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" You hear a blonde boy scream and run up to you, shaking you "HARUHI WHY ARE YOU WITH THIS MEANIE!"

You push him off of you and stare at him with a hint of judgment "Hello...I'm not meanie, I just say what's on my mind and state the truth. I am a new transfer student. I was a former classmate of Haruhi's. Nice to meet you, I'm Aiko." you put your hand to shake it but he slaps it away

"Mommy! Aiko is mean!" you scoff at the blonde boy's words "You're not much better, you slapped my hand away! Not only spoiled, but without manners!" You shake your head and cross your arms like a mad mom, ironically obviously.

"Wait who the fuck is mommy here?" You tried to hide your smile, but ended up laughing.

You glance at the rest of the group "I assume it's you, whoever you are" you point at a boy with dark hair and glasses, who seems busy with writing.

"You are correct." He looks up with an obvious judgment and goes back to writing. A pair of twins now seem magnetized to you, resting their arms on your shoulders.

"Aiko, Aiko, Aiko, why are you so rude? We just want to make girls happy" they speak in unison.

"And they have to pay for it? If you really wanted that, you wouldn't have a guy, who you call mommy, do your money business! You would actually give them flowers from your own pure heart, not for money!" You push the twins away "Haruhi, please, who even are they?"

"I am Honey-senpai and this is Mori-senpai!" A small boy runs up to you.

"Are you 5 years old?" your face is filled with concern that makes Haruhi cackle.

"No? I'm 17!" he smiles and pushes a bunny on your face.

You start laughing "Okay, whatever you say" you look up to the tall guy named 'Mori-senpai'

"Woa you are tall, sir! I like your hair!" you do a finger gun and receive a nod, you could accept it. You felt tension in a few glares, but you didn't care, you'll be free from them any moment.

"My name, of course, is Tamaki Suoh!" The blonde goes on one knee "Are you interested in men by any chance?" He takes your hand then your chin and comes uncomfortably close.

"I swing both ways, buddy. But one way I don't swing for sure and that is your way-" you slowly push his face away from yours. You see the twins laugh in the background.

You yawn and turn around, eyes tightly shut while stretching and walking out "I think I've seen enough, I'll try to find my class since I'm sure none of you will know-

you hear glass shattering


you turn around to see everyone grin. The twins start, one of them saying "Oh us rich spoiled kids would help you, but you know, we're so heartless."

The other one takes over "that cost 6 million yen dear, I am sure you can't pay that! You are a commoner afterall."

You smile with rage in your eyes at every word they spit. Fucking filty rich snobs always get what they want, what now? I'll live in hell and be their cleaner like cinderella?

In reality, you do know a way to get that kind of money, but that would be very difficult. Since your father owns a 'buisness' and could easily give you some. However, you would rathee fall down some stairs than ask him any favours.

You can even see the glasses boy smirk while writing "Welcome to the club" he still writes like he is running out of time, not even glancing at you.

Haruhi pats your shoulder "Good luck on pretending to be a dude for the rest of the school year."

The twins slowly turn at you "Pretend? You aren't a dude?"

You laugh "Guys are blind as hell! Yes, duh, I'm even wearing makeup? Yes it's not lots but-"

The four-eyes interrupts "Who said she'll be a host, she can help us buy commoners coffee and clean up."

You gulp at the evil mastermind of the club , whispering to yourself "Fuck you, whatever your name is."

Everyone sat around a table and on a sofa, you were the opposite from everyone. You now got to learn everybody's names:

Tamaki Suoh, Kyoya Ootori, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, Honey and Takashi Morinozuka.

You sit at the table while everyone is chatting, Haruhi seems to even enjoy it, but she's a host, you'll be a cleaner.

What a fun school you chose indeed.

You whisper to yourself while leaning your chin on your hands:

"This is going to be hell."

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