01. The cheater?

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Sitting at the train station, Gina could only sneer at the picture she got over her media application.
"He really is a bastard." She almost cursed whole row of his ancestors as she saw Ian sitting in hotel room, half naked while her best friend Sarah sat on his lap, wearing nothing but bra and panties.
She opened her accounts and literally pulled all her money towards her secret account, blocking him completely.
Then she called him.
One ring and then empty sign.
Second time she called again only one ring and empty sign.
He was literally avoiding her in this moment.
Theirs time she called and it was automatic secretary.
His deep voice spoke instead of artificial voice. *I'm not available. Please call later or leave a message.*
Not available...
She snickered as she blocked all his cards.
That stupid idiot was with her for three years and with time she knew all his codes, his accounts and even passwords of foreign accounts.
Let's see will you call me soon or not?
Can he avoid her forever?
Just as train was about to arrive she had that strange feeling that she didn't for years.
Something was wrong.
Her eyes darted towards crowd of people waiting for the train and saw nothing unusual. Literally normal people.
But again, something screamed in her mind to be careful.
She looked around by again, she literally didn't see anything strange.
Just then they heard sound approaching and her skin got full goosebumps as she heard screams even from far.
Yes, screams were coming towards them. Very fast.
She reacted instantly.
And not only her.
Everyone rushed towards the staircase as they were as frightened as she was. Halfway up she saw the train literally passing trough the station and what she saw inside train made her blood freeze.
So much blood.
Her heart jumped as she saw it and did something no one would expect.
She rushed down.
Yes, down.
There were secret shelters in subway station and she planned using them as  she knew if those things are down, there are some upstairs as well.
She pushed few people aside to get to the last step and heard crashing sound as train never stopped.
Her mind became blank for a moment and she rushed towards door that said only for workers.
Long time ago she worked her at ticket service so she knew a thing or two about safety in their town.
She knew even how to open it.
There was secret code and it didn't change since this pathway was built.
She saw few men looking at her and she yelled. "What are you waiting for? Get over here, now!"
They rushed towards her and just as she opened door, they heard growling sound that was so loud that her hands started shaking as she pressed the password.
Luckily they didn't change the code and door opened up and just as men passed and she was about to close, she saw something only movies showed so far.
Without sound she closed the door and rushed them to next door.
This code was a bit trickier and she heard sound on banging at the other door that was unfortunately just simple wood door.
Not iron or security door.
With shaky fingers she missed the code few times and rested making even the few men anxious.
"Tell us code."
She shook her head. "All workers have scanned finger prints. I have to do it."
They got stunned as they realized this door was a bit more advanced then other and let her calm down and after literally sixty eight numbers were pressed, the door slowly opened and they gaped as they saw it was huge door.
One that was so think, you need to bomb it and it was not certain will it open up.
The gate slowly opened up and she hit danger button on other side as soon all three men were inside and door this time swung faster closed, just in time as the other door burst open and wave of zombies fell down, showing them that these were not simple zombies form movies.
These were scarily fast and strong.
Luckily the first door was narrow so when they burst trough, they got stuck and gave them time to close the door and escape into safety.

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