Thats Hurtful...

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Claire/Y/n Pov                                                Me , 'Lia' and Kenny said that We  were meeting up at the park for no reason at all but I do love me some Dungeon Lords So I could never decline! I was in a princess costume and Kenny was Dr. Scribble bottoms! The Costume is a little wacky but it fits Kenny cutely.... Claire, what did you just say and why did you say it! You have a crush on Anthony not Kenny, it doesn't matter if Kenny is black and your black, THAT'S RACIST, How can I be racist to myself?   *Ping*     Oh,it must be Kenny, I was already in my outfit so I came outside  "Bye, Janet I'm going to the park with my friend! "                             "Have a good time! "    my outfit was good 
It was something like a village girl meets Royal style!

I opened the door to see Kenny!              " Hey K to the e to the Double N  Y! I really don't know why I said that. "    I said  embarrassed                                             " Let's just hope we aren't more embarrassed tonight. " he said                  " But we are Going to be with Our People of the same fandom! "   I said cheerful                 -(Kenny's pov) -         I flashed a smile at Claire as we walked to the park, She looks so Beautiful with her Coustume, it matches her Puffy long hair and her eyes are so majestic, black. She is probably my soulmate, but I'm just a weird dancing nerd who has no chance against Anthony, Anthony probably is already dating her, I should just go back to liking Lia.......                      " Hey, Kenny? You ok? " Claire said Snapping me out of my thoughts              " Yea, I'm just fine! Just worried that we would be embarrassed. "                           " Don't wory, Lia would never do us like that! She is a great friend!"       Claire said                                                               " I'm surprised that the prettiest girl in school is into  Duengon lords. "  I said putting a smirk on my face                        "D-did you just call me pretty? " She said with cringing a little                             " Hey! We're at the park now! "      I said switching the conversation                      "Wait..... Where's Lia?" Claire said with some Worry in her voice                             " I'm sure she is just late. " I said               I soon heard laughter from the bushes    "They're wearing glitter! " One of them said                     " We gotta post this!!! "    another one of them said                         " Pretty cool coustime, Claire, too bad we have to post it, but we would need something you would have to do to not post it. "   Anthony said                                " No, I'm fine, And Kenny and I look cool with our Coustumes! "   Claire said        " A Chipmunk and a Princess is cool? "  Zach said                   "Well, I have been bored with your jock act, Anthony. I actually liked you but I think that the relationship that I wanted with  you might be super toxic!" She yelled pretty angry                                                  "AND CAN YOU PLEASE NOT RECORD! "  She added                             they kept on recording                             " She said stop recording. " I slapped the phone out of Anthony's hand and broke it    "He just broke your phone. " One of them said                                        " Let's just beat the shit outta him. "  Anthony said                      The more they beat me the more Claire was Begging for them to stop, She couldn't do anything since her so-called 'Crush' was holding her back.                      -(Claire's Pov) - Why, Just why? Why would Anthony do this?  He knows I don't know how to fight  so why would he hold me back like this? He held me on my waist tightly, like he was angry, but I was completely right about all of this, wait don't I have,  I looked at my wrist to see that I still had my protection bracelet too bad I didn't have my pepper spray,  I put my bracelet up to my knuckles and punched Anthony making him let me go, I then kicked one of them where the sun don't shine and then Kenny kicked another the same way   " KENNY LET'S GO!! " I yelled                                         "I'M RIGHT BEHIND YOU!! " He yelled     We climbed and jumped over a fence and then went to the dumpster, when we were in there Kenny started to cry,  "I should have listened to you.... I knew it was suspicious but I was excited about meeting Lia."  Kenny said still crying                                                            " It's ok, it's not your fault, it's Lapusso's. "    I said comforting Him      " Let's just go to my house, we can have a sleepover and play Duengon Lords all night. "     Kenny said                                 " Of course, I would love to. "                      -(Words 734) -

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