Trouble in 'Paradise'

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Claire or Y/n's Pov                                         Soo, 2 weeks have passed since we were dating, what a weird two weeks... Turns out, He's bullying Anthony even though Anthony said sorry, you wanna know why I know that?      Flashback     -(After Kenny hit Anthony) -                       "Kenny?, What the actual fuck!? "             "Claire, I can explain... I just- hey! You came! That's cool! "                  " Kenny, don't you dare change the fucking subject. I want to know why the fu-"       "y'know what, nevermind, see you later. "               End of Flashback                        He is now just Texting and calling me 24/7 and Anthony, Anthony is a different story.....                                           Until I heard my phone ringing, I was ready to just lay in my bed and let it ring, but it wasn't Kenny's ringtone,It was lia!        On call                                        "Hey Riri!"                                              "Hey Lia"                "Kenny just called me, Trouble in paradise huh? "                 "Yea, I guess?  I just never saw Kenny angry like that before. When he was with me he always had this, Soft guy Facade. "                                               "He's worried about you. You can't just live in your room. "                                     "Fine I'll come out. "                                      "Ok! Let's go to Ice cream, It's on mee!"   "I instantly Regret. "                                    " No Backsies!! "                                            "Wait-"                                                            End of call                                                     I got up and did my past morning routine.     Hair:


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I left the house with no word, I put in my airpods and listened to Engravings by Ethan Bortnick, My Moody Special, Followed by Arsonist

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I left the house with no word, I put in my airpods and listened to Engravings by Ethan Bortnick, My Moody Special, Followed by Arsonist...          The song            Eyes, blood, bones
Stuck in your rainbow clothes
Rest my case
If it's not rearranged
Trading panic attacks, you finally threw it all back
Then you told me how he abused you
You had to cut out the truth
But I already knew that you've got nothing left to lose
Strip for me
Took off everything except these sleeves
All the pain is underneath, I'm listenin'
To everything, please tell me everything
I'll put my hand up on your chest
So you forget your engravings
Not one bite
Stomach knots from our fight
Can't do shit
The puzzle pieces don't fit
You warned me of other guys
And then you told me you lied
You schemed to see my reaction
I had to throw up the truth
But you already knew, that in a month we'd be strangers
Strip for me
Took off everything except these sleeves
All the pain is underneath, I'm listenin'
To everything, please tell me everything
I'll put my hand up on your chest
So you forget your engravings                  I got on the block near The school, just 2 more blocks      Already know we will crash and burn
I know you've been holding back
You feel familiar in all of the worst ways
You're double booked on Valentine's day
I know you'll never want me back the same way
That I do
That I do
I know you
Better than you
Here's to us being left in the dust
And a cycle we can't break
Here's to us being left in the dust
I just can't go back that way
Oh, I'd kill to be an arsonist
And burn bridges without shame
You flipped a coin
I'm second choice
You spilled your guts on the counter
While I cooked whatever you wanted
Bitter deja vu, guess it didn't matter anyway
Fuck this, no one to blame but myself
You're doing exactly what I would do
Everyone's a hypocrite
I know you
Better than you
I know you
Better than you
Here's to us being left in the dust
And a cycle we can't break
Here's to us being left in the dust
I just can't go back that way
Oh, I'd kill to be an arsonist
To burn bridges without shame
You flipped a coin
I'm second choice
Only one block to go and I have the perfect song.    you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby
I think we can all agree I'm a ten amongst these threes
All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby
And ever since I was a child, I'd make the boys go wild
All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby
Take my first music teacher, Henry Mannox
I was young it's true but even then I knew
The only thing you wanna to do is...
Broad, dark, sexy Mannox
Taught me all about dynamics
He was 23
And I was 13 going on 30
We'd spend hours strumming the lute
Striking the chords and blowing the flute
He plucked my strings all the way to G
Went from major to minor, C to D
Tell me what you need
What you want, you don't need to plead
'Cause I feel the chemistry
Like I get you and you get me
And maybe this is it
He just cares so much, it feels legit
We have a connection
I think this guy is different
'Cause all you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby
Is touch me, love me, can't get enough, see
All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby
Is please me, squeeze me, birds and the bees me
Run your fingers through my hair
Tell me, I'm the fairest of the fair
Playtime's over
The only thing you wanna do is...
But then there was another guy
Francis Dereham
Serious, stern and slow
Gets what he wants, and he won't take no
Passion in all that he touches
The sexy secretary to the Dowager Duchess
Helped him in his office, had a duty to fulfil
He even let me use his favourite quill
Spilled ink all over the parchment, my wrist was so tired
Still I came back the next day as he required
You say I'm what you need
All you want, you don't need to plead
'Cause I feel the chemistry
Like I get you and you get me
And I know this is it
He just cares so much, this one's legit
We have a real connection
I'm sure this time is different
'Cause all you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby
Is touch me, love me, can't get enough see
All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby
Is please me, squeeze me, birds and the bees me
You can't wait a second more to get
My corset on the floor
Playtime's over
The only thing you wanna do is...
Yeah, that didn't work out
So I decided to have a break from boys
And you'll never guess who I met
Tall, large, Henry the Eighth
Supreme head of the Church of England
Globally revered
Although you wouldn't know it from the look of that beard
Made me a lady in waiting
Hurled me and my family up in the world
Gave me duties in court and he swears it's true
That without me, he doesn't know what he'd do
You say I'm what you need
All you want, we both agree
This is the place for me
I'm finally where I'm meant to be
Then he starts saying all this stuff
He cares so much, he calls me love
He says we have this connection
I guess it's not so different
'Cause all you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby
Is touch me, love me, can't get enough, see
All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby
Is seize me, squeeze me, birds and the bees me
There's no time for when or how 'cause you
Just got to have me now
Playtime's over
The only thing you wanna do is...
So we got married
With Henry, it isn't easy
His temper's short, and his mates are sleazy
Except for this one courtier
He's a really nice guy, just so sincere
The royal life isn't what I planned
But Thomas is there to lend a helping hand
So sweet, makes sure that I'm okay
And we hang out loads when the King's away
This guy finally
Is what I want, the friend I need
Just mates, no chemistry
I get him and he gets me
And there's nothing more to it
He just cares so much, he's devoted
He says we have a connection
I thought this time was different
Why did I think he'd be different?
But it's never, ever different
'Cause all you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby
Is touch me, when will enough be enough?
All you wanna do
All you wanna do, baby
Squeeze me, don't care if you don't please me
Bite my lip and pull my hair
As you tell me, I'm the fairest of the fair
Playtime's over
Playtime's over
Playtime's over
The only thing
The only thing
The only thing you wanna do is...              End of playlist                                                   As I came to the shop I bumped into somebody    "Oh, Sorry! "                             "No it's okay! "            " What's your name? I don't wanna be a bother. "       "My name is Claire. What's yours? "         "Oliver, Oliver Dame"                              He then held my hand gently and faked an old timey kiss on it                       "What a Gentleman. " I said Playfully        " Anything for a Lovely Lady. "  He said back      I blushed    Was this cheating?  I don't think it is though, Are me and Kenny even Dating anymore!?                  "And as a gentleman, "     He then opens the store door                                "I will show my  courtesy. "    He continued                                                     " Are you Courting me my good sir? "
"Oh Heavens no M'lady, But I can try. " He said              I laughed                                               "Well then bye, see you some time! "
"Farewell! "         As I go to the table I see that Lia had been staring the whole time     " What was that!? " Lia said        "What was what? "                                     " That super cute boy flirting with you. "  "I don't recall that he was Flirting. "        "But you guys were talking and he kissed your hand all old timey! "                  "I even took a picture of him! "             the picture:

 "        "But you guys were talking and he kissed your hand all old timey! "                  "I even took a picture of him! "             the picture:

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"Well what do you do!? " She asked         "Let's just eat ice cream. "    I answered      after we ate Ice cream we went to my house, turns out......  He's my neighbour   I went straight to my room our windows are slightly away from each other but we can see from each house........              " This is some Taylor Swift shit. " I whispered  as a thought                             words:1685

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