Wait that wasnt a dream!?

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Claire or Y/n's Pov                                         I hear a notification on my phone and go check it

Claire or Y/n's Pov                                         I hear a notification on my phone and go check it

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I immediately replied without even reading the text.       I sprinted down the stairs       " Hey don't run down the stairs!! " Janet yelled    I then walked        " Bye!!!! "      "Byeee Cookie! "                    I opened the door     "Hey you ok? I saw Lapusso walking away from your house. "  he asked " Yea I'm fine! "     I answered                as we got to the arcade we then saw familiar people         shit, it's Lapusso and his friends, what a coincidence.     
  Kenny then grabs my hand immediately and holding it tightly               " Let's go play some car games. "  I said   " Ok. " He said kinda annoyed             five minutes pass and they haven't bothered us and we didn't bother them  "  Hey I gotta go to the bathroom be right back! " I exclaimed to Kenny              " Ok, don't take too long. " he joked         "I won't!" I joked back         2 minutes later I came to when we were before and I saw Lapusso and his friends with Kenny                                                           " Who is she to you? Your girlfriend?? " I heard one of his friends say                      " It's None of your Business! " I said before getting in the middle of them         " Can you just leave us alone???"   I added    Kenny's Pov                                                 Lapusso and his friends left us alone        " Finally I can do this! "   I exclaimed          "Do wha-" I interrupted her by-                 3rd person                                               Kenny gave Claire A Rough kiss and Claire kissed back but they got out of the kiss for a breath of air                                                                   
Claire or Y/n's Pov                                       Kenny kissed me.  His lips were really soft, wait, we're friends?!    But what kind of 'friends' kiss each other with passion??                                              "Soo, does this mean that were dating? " I asked                                                       " Guess soo, see you later babe. "   He answered                                                       " See you! "  I said                                 He's the best thing that has happened to me.

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