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Claire or Y/n's pov                                       I don't know what to say about the last few weeks, Anthony Still Flirting with me and Pranking Kenny, But Kenny said something about joining this dojo called Cobra Kai, His Brother recommended it and like a week and two days in He has been acting weirdly aggressive and protective towards me and he said something about Me being his?                  Wait....... No? He has been around me a lot and he has been just staring at me from time to time before but now he had confidence boost and now from just staring to checking me out! Not that I'm mad about it..... NO HE IS JUST A..... Oh not really a friend,     I see lia calling me and answer  *Lia on phone*                        "Heyy Claire!! "                                           "Hey Lia! How are you? "                           "I'm good how are you Riri?"                     "I'm fine! "                                                      "Sooo which boy is the lucky one?? "      "What!?? "                                                     "Is is Clenny or Aire?? "                               "what are you talking about???? "              " are you gonna date Kenny or Anthony?? "                                                              "I don't have time for boyfriends right now, but when I do I have to make a choice myself!"                                            "Ok, but at school everytime you glance at Kenny you bite your lip and when you look at Anthony-"                       "I do not wanna hear that anymore, wanna just have a sleepover and talk about It Tomorrow after school? "              "Is Janet Gonna be there? "                             " Yea Of course my Dads have a business trip in Chicago sooo I have about 2 weeks with Janet! "                       " I will be there Tomorrow!!"                      " And Btw, I like Kenny the most. "              " WHAT?!?!?! "         *I hung up*                  "Who was that and who is Kenny? "   A Random Voice said                                    "JANET," I said surprised                           "Just kiddin I already know that's Lia and Kenny is ur crush. "   she said while sipping a cup of tea                                      "Janet, Can I ask you something? "           "Lemme guess, Boy Advice? "     She said                  "Yea, boys are very difficult to understand. "                              "Let me give you a lesson! "

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