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She says it's just a dream, but it's more like a memory.
Alice dreams of her entire past with Christopher. She wakes in tears again, but soon dries up knowing she will see him again shortly.
Chris and Alice met when she was only fourteen, an he was seventeen. They met at a book signing for this really popular writer, her dad had just dropped her off and apparently Chris thought she was old enough for him.
They had been standing in line together when Chris initiated the conversation on how long the author took to speak to each customer, he thought it was nice for someone so popular.
Alice got his number and even after he found out her age they stayed up till three in the morning talking that night. She grew attached to him, almost unhealthily so. They both volunteered at a kids summer camp just so they could spend time together, and she pretty much followed him around like a lost puppy. Or kitten.
Chris noticed her lack of confidence and that she was following him so closely, and nicknamed her "AliCat," which is why it was such a big deal for him to call her that over the phone.
There was another female volunteer there who hung on him like a leach. He told her to piss off, which only made Alice fall even deeper for Chris. She eventually fell head over heels in love with him, but refused to tell him so.
By this time he had turned 18 and she'd turned 15. School stress started getting worse, her depression and anxiety went into overdrive, and she had a couple of suicidal episodes that resulted in visits to the psych ward. She wished she didn't have to lean on him for emotional support so much, but she had no other options. She was cuffed to him. Chris knew that she wouldn't be able to recover with him nurturing her, so he decided to let her go.
One day Alice had a huge anxiety attack at school, so she called Chris. He was so worried she would end her own life that he drove all the way to her house and stayed with her until her parents got home. They didn't mind him being there because they knew he had a church background and a rich family, if anything they thought he was a good influence. That night before he left he kissed her and told her that he was in love with her, and that he would see her again some day.
For about a month she continued to call and text him, never getting any response. Eventually she gave up and deleted his number.
In that time frame she met this boy Adam. He was all she had ever wanted, the only thing he lacked was a dominant side. Other than that, he treated her like a princess, no-- a queen.
She decided to trust him after a year of close watching and wondering if he would cheat on her. Four months over a year, he left her for another girl, Jamie. Four months into her relationship with Adam she gets a text from Chris. She didn't recognize the number, but played it off as if she got a new phone. They caught up on things that had gone on in the five or six months of not speaking, and made plans to meet up. When they met he was immediately back to flirting like the old days, but she had to stop him because of Adam.
Chris would go weeks without responding, then suddenly go back to talking like they never missed a beat. During one of those times he wouldn't respond, Alice got in a car wreck and was in a coma for three days. her parents contacted everyone in her phone to come see her in the hospital, as they didn't know if she was ever going to wake up. Chris was the first to come see her. He drove 500 miles from his college in Louisiana to come see her. He stayed with her every day she was out, and his eyes were the first thing she saw when she awoke. He had always taken such good care of her. And he was a genius, too. she loved everything about him, emotionally she was chained to him, she could never live without knowing he'd be back.
He was her rock, and her attraction to him never ceased.

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