Chapter 2: going to man city🤍💙

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5 days later

I wake up and look over to my nightstand where my clock is. 09:57 am
I see. I get up and go to Sophia's room. ' sweetie wake up' i say with a soft voice. ' mmhh' she says and opens her eyes. I pick her up and walk downstairs. We have breakfast and i made pancakes because sophia loves them. We get ready and then i see a text from unknown


Hi, it's me Phil sorry
For not texting.
Do you want to grab
Coffe or walk in
The city tomorrow?
Unknown changed to Phil🤍
Hi Phil, it's fine
I would 
Love to . Is it
Okey if i take
Sophia with me?
No no its fine
Ronnie is coming
Also so it doesn't
Matter. Is 10 am
Oke for you guys
And we can meet
At the park?
That's perfect
See you then!
See you tomorrow!
Read 12:02

' what do you wanna do today Sophia' i ask her while doing her hair. ' can we go watcha football match' she asks me. Im confused she likes football but okey. ' let me see when they play' i say and take my phone. 'They play today at 5 Pm, you want me to buy tickets and then we can go?' I ask her. ' YESSS' i shouts exited. ' okey sweetie' i say and laugh. I buy tickets and then we leave because it's already 3 Pm. After 30 minutes we arove and there are a lot of people. We go in the line and after 40 minutes we finaly get inside. ' finally that took forever' Sophia says annoyed what makes me laugh a bit. We were waiting because the players come out in 10 minutes till i get a text.

Heyy Olivia wyd
                                         Hii Phil, im at
                                        The man city
Your joking right?
                                        No why would i?
Oh no just asking
Promise me after
The match we will
Still go tomorrow?
                                       I promise, but
                                       What's wrong?
Nothing, have fun
I gotta go!🍀
                                      Okey bye Phil🤍


well that was weird i think. After some minutes the players run on the field.
They are just warming up till i see a boy looking at me. I know him from somewhere. I focus on him till i see it. ' PHIL' i screams in shock. I cover my mouth with my hands real quick because people were giving me weird looks. 'What's wrong mommy' Spphia asked me while she looked at me. ' oh it's nothing darling' i say with a smile. ' what the fuck i'm so confused' i say to myself so no one could hear. After half an hour they start walking back to the tunnel. I see Phil glarring at me and we have eye contact. He waves and smiles at me so i do the same. We broke the eye contact because i couldn't see him anymore. After 5 minutes the players come on the field and give eachother an  hand. The game begins and the bith teams are really focused. During the game me and Phil would have quick eye contact but not for long bc he needed to focus. In the 34th minute Kdb started running with the ball, he passes to Grealish who passes it to Phil who then scores. ' WOHOO' Sophia and me shout and jump in the sky. phil runs around the fiel and slides on his knees while the team following him. ' he did it' i say proud only knowing him for a day. After 20 minutes we hear the whistle and its half.
(Skip half time)
The players run back on tue field and the game starts again. We are in the 70th minute and it's still 1-0 for man city. Phil started running to the goal and then he passed the ball to Haaland who did a tap in and it was goal again. ' WOAHH' i scream. ' YEYY' Sophia shouts. After some minutes the game ends so that means Manchester city won. ' YES' Sophia screams. I smile while seeing Phil celebrate, we diceded to go back home because there are a lot of fans. When we got home I decided to text him.
                                       Congrats on the
                                       Win and you goal
Tysm i hope you
Enjoyed it🤍
                                      I loved it!!
In glab to hear
Wanna facetime
                                     Sure, call me when
                                     Your free
Okey, i gotta go

That girl he met at the park🤍/ Phil FodenWhere stories live. Discover now