Chapter 3: meeting

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It's the next day and Sophia and i are getting ready for meeting Ronnie and Phil. Our outfits.


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We put our shoes on and start  walking to the park where we are meeting Phil and ronne

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We put our shoes on and start walking to the park where we are meeting Phil and ronne. After some minutes we arive and we see Ronnie and Phil. ' SOPHIA' Ronnie screams.
'RONNIE' Sophia shouts back. I hug Phil and we say hello and stuff to eachother. ' how are you' he asks me. ' im good, wbu' i ask him. ' im very good' he says with a smile. ' I didn't know you played football' i say to him while we are walking inside a cute coffe café. ' yea sorry I didn't tell you, i hope it is no problem' he says. ' nono it's fine i think it's cool' i say with a smile.
After an hour we did eat something and he payed because he wouldn't let me do it. ' next time im paying' i say with a defeated face. ' already planning next time huh' he says sarcastically. ' i had fun so yes' i say. ' im joking i had fun to' he says. You leave the café and you decided to go walk trough the city. ' i wanna take a picture' i say. ' let me take it' he says and i hand him my phone. He takes some pictures of me and some with us both. ' aaaahhh i love them!' I say to him. ' they are lovely' he says with a smile. ' it's getting late' i say, i only had the polo on without long sleeves so i got cold. I rub my arm so that i would get warm. ' here' Phil says and takes his hoodie off. ' but then you are cold' i say. ' nono im fine it's not so cold' he says while giving me the hoodie. ' tysm' i say and put the hoodie on. The hoodie smells like him i like it!. ' wanna go to the beach and watch the sunset' i ask them. Ronnie and Sophia what you do guys say' Phil asks. ' YESS' the both shout. ' well let's go then' he says and we start walking. We ended up staying till 11Pm and Ronnie and Sophia both fell asleep on our laps. We were sitting next to eachother and enjoying the sight of the dark sea and the sound of the sea. ' we should probably get going it's late' Phil says. ' okey' i say and get up while having Sophia in my arms. ' i can bring you home' he says. ' if you don't mind' i say. ' noo it's fine' he says while standing up and picking ronnie up. After some minutes we finnaly see his car. We put both the kids in the back and i sit at the front. While we were riding we were talking the whole time and i felt really comfortable like i knew him my whole life. ' i really enjoyed today' Phil says. ' me to it was so fun i really loved today' i say with a smile. ' me to' he says while looking at me. ' eyes on the road mr foden' i say pointing to the road.' He laughs and turns back to the road. After some minutes we arriva, we say our goodbyes and then i go inside with Sophia in my arms. I put her pyjamas on adn lay het in bed. ' sweet dreams darling' i say and give her a kiss on her forehead. I also canged in my pyjamas, wiped of my makeup and then got in my bed. I go on my phone and then get a text from Phil.

I really loved today
We should do this
More often!🤍
                                           I also loved
                                           It today i
                                          Had lots of
Glad to hear
I'll let you sleep
                                            Tyy byee🤍
Before i go to sleep I decided to post some poctures of today on my instagram

I really loved todayWe should do thisMore often!🤍                                                 I also loved                                                 It today i                                                 Had lots of                 ...

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Caption: had fun🤍784,563 likesComments:

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Caption: had fun🤍


Oliviaisbestmodel: aahhhh omg who is that boy

Oliviafan1: yall talking about the boy but look how cute Sophia is❤️

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That girl he met at the park🤍/ Phil FodenWhere stories live. Discover now