Chapter 5: movie night

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It's the next day and Sophia and i are getting ready to go to Phil's house. He texted me the adress yesterday and we are going at 6pm. It's currently 5Pm so we have some more time.
Sophia outfit:

 Sophia outfit:

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Olivia outfit;

I do my makeup and do my hair and then we are ready to go

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I do my makeup and do my hair and then we are ready to go. We put on out shoes and drive to Phil's house.We drive in the driveway and then get out. Sophia wants to ring the doorbell so i pick her up and she rings it. Ronnie opens the door and Sophia and Ronnie run inside. Phil runs over to me and gives me a hug. 'Hello' Phil says. 'Hii' i say and we let go of the hug. ' come in' he says and i get in. He closes the door behind me and we walk to the living room. 'You have a lovely house' i say with a smile. 'Thank you' he says smiling back. ' we can make dinner' He asks me. ' sure what do you got' i say while following him to the kitchen. ' we can make pasta bolognaise?' He asks me while turning around. ' sure' i say while smiling. ' but you gotta help me because i am not the best in cooking' he says while laughing. ' it's fine i can learn you' i say while smiling. We get the ingredients and start with making the bolognaise sauce. After some minutes we are done with the pasta. You both laughed much and you had lots of fun. ' dinner is ready' i shout that the kids will come downstairs. I hear little footstaps coming downstairs and then they run in the kitchen. ' what are we eating' Ronnie asks. ' pasta bolognaise' i say while setting the table with Phil. The kids take a seat and so do we. After dinner Phil and i clean the table and put everything in the dishwasher. ' we are a great team' I say while laughing. ' we sure are' phil says. ' we can watch a film with the kids' I request him. ' sure, Ronnie Sophia wanna watch a film' Phil shouts. After some seconds they run in the living room. We sit down on the left Ronnie, then sophia then me and then Phil. ' what do you wanna watch' Phil asks them. ' mhhh maybe uhm maybe, i dont know' Sophia says while thinking. ' TOY STORY4' ronnie shouts proud. ' YESS' Sophia shouts. ' oke oke' Phil says and puts it on. Phil and i are laying on the long part of the Couch. The movie is a bit bored and Phil and i are watching things on his phone. I'm getting a little tired from all this so i lay my head on his chest and cuddle up to him. He lays his arm over my shoulder and helds me tight. After some minutes i feel my eyes get heavy and then i fall asleep. I wake up in Phil's arms and the movie still playing. I move a little bit and Phil accidentally wakes up. ' sorry' i say. ' no it's fine how late is it' he asks with a raspy voice. I look ay my phone and it's 11pm. ' 11pm' i say. Sophia and Ronnie also felt asleep on the couch. ' you can stay over if you want' he says while looking at me. ' you sure?' I ask him. ' yes' he says and gets up. ' let's bring the kids to Ronnie's room he has a bunk bed' he says and picks up Sophia. I pick up Ronnie and we walk to Ronnies room. We both put them in the bed and then go back downstairs. ' you can sleep in my room i will sleep on the couch' he says. ' no i will sleep on the couch' i say. ' no your the quest' he says and picks my hand and leads me to his room. ' your sleeping with me' i say. He looks at me shocked. ' if you want because i dont mind' i say while smiling. ' oke then, do you want some short to sleep in?' He asks me. ' yes please' i say. He gives me clothes and i change in his bedroom. When i get out i dont see Phil anymore so i just get in his bed. Some minutes later he walks it shirtless. ' your starring' he says and gets in the bed to. ' sorry' i say embarrassed. He puts the light out and  its a little cold. I cuddle up to him and he raps his arms around me. After slme minutes i fall asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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