Chapter 1: meeting

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' Sophia wanna go to the park' i ask Sophia. ' YESS' she screams. ' woah lets go change first' i say and pick her up to go upstairs. ' what do you wanna wear today' i ask her while putting her down so she can choose. ' THIS' she says exited. ' okey that a good choice' i say and put it on her.
Her outfit:

( without the bag)

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( without the bag)

' you can go downstairs and watch tv while i get ready' i say to her. ' okey mommy' she says and runs downstairs. I go to my room and pick an outfit
My outfit:

 I go to my room and pick an outfit My outfit:

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I pick this outfit it looks really cute. I put on some makeup and fix my hair and then in ready. I go downstairs and see Sophia watching tv. ' are you ready honey' i ask her. ' yess' she says and gets up. I help her put on her shoes and then i put on mine, after that we leave. After 15 minutes we got to the park and she runs to the climbing things. There is only one spot left to sot and its next to an boy who looks like my afe. I walk up to him and ask ' is this spot free'. ' yea you can sit if you want' he says. ' thank you' i say with a smile and sit down. ' whats your name' he asks me. ' its Olivia, and yours' i ask. ' phil' he answers me. ' with who are you ere' i ask him. ' my son, you' he says. ' my daugther' i say with a smile. ' arent you young, how old are you' he asks. ' in 21 i got my daughter when i was 19, how old are you' i say to him. ' i'm 21 i also got him when is was 19' he says and laughs. You two started talking and ended up having an whole conversation but the Phil's phone rang. ' sorry i have to take this real quick' he says and tkaes the phone. ' hello', ' wait its already so late', ' shit we are coming tell coach the was a traffic' he says and then hungs up. ' im really sorry but we have to go, can i have your number maybe?' He asks me. I smile and give it to him. ' thank you i'll text you' he saus and runs to the olayground erea. I see him picking up a child and then they disappear behind a house. I smile, Phil was really cute. After some minutes we decided to go back to the house. ' did you have fun' i ask Sophia. ' yes yes' she says while jumping around. ' that's good to hear' i say with a smile. ' i' gonna make the dinner sweetie' i say and walk to the kitchen. I make dinner and then we eat it. ' in an hour you need to go to bed' i say to Sophia while i sit beside her in the couch. ' okey mommy' she says. After an hour i put Sophia to sleep and watch some tv. After swappig and swapping i get sleepy and accidentally fall asleep on the couch. I wake up in the middle of the night and look at my phone. 01:34. I quickly put the tv off and go upstairs. I wipe my makeup of and put my pyjamas on and then go to sleep.

That girl he met at the park🤍/ Phil FodenWhere stories live. Discover now