Chapter 4: shopping

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It's the next day and i wake up by my phone going off. I look who it is 'Ava❤️'. ' urghhh why so early she better have a good excuse' i say and pick my phone up. ' hello' i say annoyed. ' HEY GIRL' she shouts exited. ' why u so exited you litterly woke me up' i say with a yawn following. ' so first of all i wanna go shopping today you can bring Sophia and second of all who the hell is that boy' she says. ' oke the shopping part you dont need to ask me twice and i will explain to you whene we go shopping' i say. ' okey is 13pm good for you' she asks. ' yes thats fine, Sophia and me drive then to your house' i say. ' okey see you' she says. ' byee' i say and hang up. ' wel let's get up i guess' i say and get out of bed. I walk to Sophia's room and wake her up. ' do you wanna wear a dress or just some jeans?' I ask her. ' mmhh i wanna wear something comfy' she says. ' okey darling' i say and go to her wardrobe.
Sophia outfit:

' i am gonna change to real quick honey you can play on my phone and wait on my bed' i say and hand her my phone

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' i am gonna change to real quick honey you can play on my phone and wait on my bed' i say and hand her my phone. ' mhh what outfit should i wear' i ask myself. ' oohh this one'
Olivia outfit:

I put my hair in a bun and do my make up

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I put my hair in a bun and do my make up. ' let's get breakfast' i say and pick Sophia up. We still have 2 hours left so we just gonna chill a bit. ' breakfast is ready!' I say, i hear footsteps running towards the kitchen. ' im so hungryyyyy' Sophia says what makes me laugh. After breakfast i cleaned the kitchen and then played with Sophia. After an hour it's time to go. ' are you ready Sophia' i ask het while putting on her shoes. ' yes mommy but where are we going' she asks me. ' we are going shopping with Olivia.

Skip the day: so you told her everything about Phil and how you met him and stuff and she was actually also talking to a boy and stuff.

You finally arrive home. ' what do you wanna do' i ask her. ' i wanna watch football' Sophia says exited. ' well okey darling but i dont know if there is a match today' you turn on the tv and see that manchester city is gonna play in an hour and half. I decided to text Phil real quick


                                        Good luck today             🤍
Tysm i will try to
score for Sophia
and you🤍 are you
Gonna watch on tv?
Yess Sophia asked
Me so
Okey sorry but
I gotta go
We are gonna
Warm up
Bye liv🤍
Good luck byee🤍

I almost screamed when i saw he said liv to me. He is so perfect. No wait Olivia no he is a famous footballer and you are a model that can't work.

I snap out of it because the players are running on the field. I can't keep my eyes of phil. What is happening to me. I only know him for a week. Do i like him? No? Yes! No wait, but he is so cute. Shit i do like him. Omfg i like a famous footballer.

The match starts and Sophia is really exited. We are in the 16th minute and KDB scores. In the 25th minute the other team scores. ' nooo' Sophia and i both scream. In the 43th minute the other team scores again. ' WHAT' i shout. After some minutes it's half time. I needed to go to the toilet so i do that. When i come back the teams are running on the field again. We are in the 79th minute and it is still 1-2 but then Haaland scores. ' WOHOO' sophia and i shout and jump of the couch. After some minutes the other team scores again. ' oh common' Sophia says annoyed. In the 87th minute Haaland scores again so it's 2-2. There are +3 minutes. In the 92th minute Phil scores, he makes a heart an points to the camera. ' YESS PHIL SCORED' sophia says exited. I have the biggest smile on my face. After the game me and Spphia were watching a movie and just chilling till i get a facetime call.
'Phil🤍 i facetiming you'. ' huh that's weird' i say. ' whats weird mommy' Sophia asks me confused. ' Phil is FaceTiming me' i say and let het see my phone. ' ACCEPT IT' she shouts exited. I accept it. I see ronnie holding the phone and Phil is driving. ' hi ronnie' i say. ' ronnie who are you calling' i hear Phil say in the background  I laugh because Ronnie called us without Phil knowing. ' Hey Olivia and Sophia' ronnie says with a smile. ' Daddy i wanna go play with Sophia' he says while looking up. He hear Phil laugh. ' ask Olivia and Sophia if they are free tomorrow or other days' i hear Phil say what makes me smile. ' but how' ronnie says confused. ' hand me the phone buddy' Phil says and ronnie hands him te Phone. He puts his phone in like that hanger thing for your phone yk. ' are you free tomorrow' He asks us.' Yes' i say.' We can do a movie night or something at my house?' He asks us.' sophia what do you say?' I ask her. ' YES' She shouts exited. ' okey well ill tekst you the adress' he says while looking at the street. ' okey see you tomorrow, bye Ronnie' i say. ' bye' Phi and Ronnie both say.

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