Part 1 - Moving In

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As you walked in the new house, your eyes filled with tears. Your mother died not even 3 months ago, and all your father wants to do is '' move on ''. First Delia, now a new house? Delia and your father weren't even together, but they sure act like it.

'' Excuse me, miss, '' you hear someone say behind you. It was one of the people moving furniture in the house, asking you to move out of the way.

You sighed, giving way to the man. Nobody cared about how you felt, you were basically invisible. Wiping away your tears, you start to explore the house. It was bigger than you thought. Most rooms were empty and full of dust due to the fact that it was left alone for a few months.

Walking back to the living room, you spot a flight of stairs that you have not explored yet. It lead you into spacious attic.

' Jeez, this house is really big. ' you thought to yourself, still feeling a bit off about moving.

As you look around you notice old paintings, vaces and a old-timey crib. When you went up to it, you felt someone tap your shoulder.

Turning around, you notice two people standing infront of you. The female had a soft, sweet face with long, blonde hair. The male had brown hair with glasses that framed his face perfectly.

'' Who the hell are you guys!? '' you exclaim. Was it maybe some of dad's friends? No, then why would they be in the attic?

'' Sorry, we really didn't mean to frighten you. '' the man said softly. Realizing they mean no harm, you start to calm down.

'' See, we live here. Or.. used to live here. We're the Maitlands, I'm Barbara and he's Adam, but you can call me Babs. '' the woman said with a small smile. You felt comforted and safe around these two even though you've only been talking to them for atleast 5 minutes.

'' Did you guys move out or something? If so, why are you guys back here? '' you questioned them.

'' We died here, '' she replied, you sensed sadness in Babs response.

'' So, we basically haunt this place, '' Adam said trying to cheer up Barbara with a smile. You were kind of excited that you weren't alone anymore, you had friends. Even if they were dead, they looked sweet.

'' Yeah, it's not ideal. Especially since you guys are moving around our stuff, but I guess we can handle it. '' Adam said with a hint of annoyance. You felt bad even though you didn't want to be here just as much as they did. You're father said it will help with you mental health, because of all the bad memories from the previous house. You were pretty sure he just wanted the house for his business or whatever, but you didn't care. All you wanted was your mother or atleast a bit more time to mourn her untimely death.

[~ Time Skip ~]

You were now in your room. Eating dinner with your father and Delia was exhausting and awkward, all you wanted to do was lay on your bed and cry.

Laying down, you can't help but letting all the tears out. It's been a rough week, and with dad giving you a life coach it made it worse. You couldn't cry or be sad at all.

'' I feel so invisible! Nobody sees or cares about me or how I feel at all! '' you yelled, tears and snot dripping off your face. Suddenly you heard a scruffy voice.

'' Yeah, I can relate to that. '' the voice said and a short man with green hair and a striped suit appeared with green smoke.

'' What? First the Maitlands, now another random guy? '' you said, wiping everything off your face with tissues.

'' Wait, you can see me? You can really see me!? '' the man said with a big smile plastered on his face.

'' I mean yeah, are you another ghost? '' you asked, feeling too tired to even talk.

'' First, I prefer demon. Second, I can't believe you can actually see me! Oh, we're gonna be best friends! ''

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