Prologue Part 1 : The beginning of the end

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Sharae's POV
Before y'all Judge me on what you'll see in the future, y'all gotta get to know EVERYTHING that lead up to this point. Oh what the extent of it, oh idk breaking up a happy home, kinda getting attached and lots of arguments 🙄, hopefully when y'all catch up , this story would make a full 360. But anyways, let's start from the beginning shall we? 😈. On March 2nd,1993 a beautiful chocolate skin girl was born. But no one told me my life would start like this.

The day of my birth:
" Oh my baby" My mama said as she just pushed out her first child. My grandmother and aunties and uncles were in the room but my mother didn't see no sign of my father. " where is Jerome, he promise he would be here, DAMN!" My mom busted out causing me to cry in fear. My father bussed into the room with anxiety in his voice. " we gotta go" he said pacing back and forth. " what the hell you mean Jerome she just gave birth!" My grandmother said with the dumbest look on her face. Don't ask me how I knew how they looked but just know my lil ass heard all that tea. But pause the reason why my father was so anxious was because my father was a big time drug dealer in the OC, so he made a lot of enemies real fast, on one of his missions to end the head man, his dumbass ended up shooting the man's 5 year old daughter in the process. The headman made it out alive but he really grieved the death of his child. Welp that where I came into play. This niggas promised my father that he would kill me on the day of my birth just to get revenge from his child. Ain't that bout a bitch. Okay continue..
" I fucked up real bad Nette" " What is he talking about Antoinette" my uncle lou stepped in. " you remember when I did that last mission so we can get out of OC for good, well I shot his daughter in the process, he has threatened me many of times saying" he paused " Saying what nigga?!" My mom said " that he would kill our baby girl for revenge of his" he spat out " Bitch you just now saying this shit" my mama said. " I'll take her, I'll take her back to New Orleans with me and you have 18 years to figure out what you gone tell that lil girl, and you nigga you is a bitch fr" my uncle said causing my father and uncle to go at it and leaving everyone in the room including me upset. " y'all can have this bullshit, Nette you ain't gotta worry about me no more I can promise you that." He walked out the room and to be honest that will be last I will hear from him as well. 20 mins go by and I hear 2 gunshots go off and screeching tires driving off into the wind. I was hearing everything, I was literally just born, I didn't understand shit around me. The next day I was put into my uncle car with my crying mother in the background as my life begins in New Orleans.

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