Chapter 9 : Baby on board

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12:00 pm
Houston , TX

Kehlani's P.O.V

I was in shock when I saw those 2 lines on all of these pregnancy test. I texted destin, and Jamie to come into my room asap. They bolted in and went straight to the bathroom where they saw me holding onto all of these test. " keh you're pregnant? How you haven't had dick in ... aw shit" " aww shit is right, this is a rape baby" I said crying into my hands. " hey what's wrong?" Sharae came into the bathroom and was handed one of my pregnancy test from destin. She looked at me with rage but I know it wasn't towards me. " imma kill that nigga" sharae walked out the door while everyone followed her out trying to calm her down. " where this nigga at?!" U" he's not here, he took a flight back to atl two weeks ago" she turned her head in relief " ain't atl the next city?" She asked. I shook my head yes and Everyone came back into my room, everyone was already worried about me and if they hear about this right now they might cancel the tour. Miami is our last city in a few weeks so I should hold out by then. I was the room pacing back and forth, " How am I going to tell my mom, how am I going to tell adeya, that her dad who really isn't her dad. Rape your mom and now it's all over the internet and you know I'm against abortions. But a rape baby though?" I plopped onto the couch and put my face in my hands. " Whatever you decide to do, everyone will be here for you" destin said rubbing my back. " I'm going to call my mom and tell her" I grabbed my phone and dialed my moms number. It rung twice and she answered. I told her everything from what she seen on the blogs and what wasn't on the blogs. I also told adeya that her mom is pregnant but when she gets older I would have to tell her how it came about. But adeya was excited about being an older sister. " I'm taking the PJ to come to Houston. I'll be there is 3 hours" " Okay mommy, I'll see you soon" I hung up and I felt a sigh of relief. I just wonder how am I going to do this all over again with a brand new baby.


Houston , TX
Destin's P.O.V

We were at rehearsals and Kehlani's mom calls my phone. She confirmed she was already in Houston and will be attending the rest of the tour with us, but she will be staying at a Airbnb next door to us in every city. She asked for the location and I airdropped it to her. I ended my call with her mom and I got a text message from giveon 🙄 All he said was " I'm sorry, it will never happen again, Justine was a mistake he wish he can take back" I knew it was a lie, him and Justine were just seen together at a restaurant. I texted back and told him " take care, we are just business partners, my man will be at the show tonight so maybe you'll see how a real man loves on his nigga" I closed my phone out and speaking of the man of my dreams " Hey yall!" Tank said making his presence known. Everyone dapped  him up and after speaking to everyone else, he came to me and gave me a very passionate kiss. " I know thats RIGHT!" I heard sharae said in the background making everyone laugh. " hey babe, I got these for you, bring it in y'all"  I was confused what the hell is he bringing in? But the question should've been WHO was he bringing in here? "I tried harrrddd to fight it, no way can I deny it, your love so sweet, knocks me off my feet..." Everyone was in awe when THE SWV was at the rehearsal holding not 1 not 2 but 3 big ass bouquet of white and red roses. " You got swv up here?!" Kehlani said as she hugged all three of them. " we were already in Houston doing tonight's show but it was canceled so we decided to stay down here for 2 days, tank called us and told him to meet the man that stole his heart." One of the members said " wait, if I pay y'all extra, would y'all mind making a special appearance at my show tonight?." Keh asked with hope in her eyes. " tank already sold the pitch to us, he already paid us to make an appearance on yall show, keep y'all money. We are doing this for you and Kehlani" me and keh was jumping off the walls after hearing the exciting news " Thank you, Thank you babe" I grabbed him and kissed the hell out of his fine ass. "Ouuuuuuuu" everyone mumbled as I was sticking my tongue down my man's throat " Anything for my man" I was shocked he called me his man " Say it again?" Sharae asked " I'll do anything For MY MAN" " I KNOW THATS RIGHT" everyone said causing me to laugh in pure joy, this is what I prayed for, for someone to love and adore me. " do you mind if I take you out?" I looked over at keh. " you already rehearsed so go head it's a nice day out, I'll see you at the show" she said giving me her approval. " before we go, sharae can I talk to you for a minute." " yeah" she got up and followed tank out the door.

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