Chapter 14 : Angel Tears

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Downtown LA
Kehlani's P.O.V
" 1.. 2... 1..2.." " on some nights like this, shawty I can't help but think of us" "I've been reminiscing, simping, miss ya, can you tell me what's all this distance loveeee" I was in Downtown La performing my post tour shows, Yall know I can't just sit at home for a min. I gotta go out and get this work. I looked out in the crowd and I saw the section of my people was being a lil suffocated by the fans. " Hold on, stop for a min. Y'all know I love y'all. But this little section right here, needs to be clear. I got my mom, my baby, and my friends are here. I know some of y'all wanna crawl on this stage but respect the distance between y'all and this specific session. But now I would like for one of my good friends, Sharae Davenport to come the stage"

Sharae's P.O.V

I'm so confused, why me? I got up the stage looking back at destin and he's just as confused as I am. A chair was pulled out for me and for the guitar player that just came onto the stage. IS THIS BITCH BOUT TO SING 'Honey' To ME!!! I'm am famgirling my own friend right now. "I like my women like I like my honey, sweet a little selfish. I like my women like I like my moneyyy, greenn a little jealous." I looked at keh like girl, is you serious " All the pretty girls in the world but I'm in this space with youuuu" while she was singing she brought adeya up there and everyone in the crowd was overwhelmed with her cuteness. "Sharae, we've been friends for a while and everyone in our personal lives already know we been feeling each other, and I'm not comfortable around no one else like I'm comfortable with you. I don't smile the same, I don't act the same. I wanna see where this goes." " mommy?" Adeya said " yes baby?" " Can I show her now?" "You can show her dey" Adeyea unzipped her coat and reveal a custom shirt that saids ' will you be mommy's girlfriend?' I laughed because this is the cutest way to ask someone to be their girlfriend. " Yes Kehlani I will be your girlfriend" everyone applauded and cheered " LA that's it for tonight, I love y'all" I got up from the chair and kissed her deeply. I really would love to see where this goes with her. I want it to work out so bad and I know she feels the same.
Destin's P.O.V

" Girl y'all surprised the hell out me, keh you did that. And little dey dey" I picked her up and rested her on my hip. " what y'all bout to get into?" " well we are heading to mama house, to let her know the good news and to spend sometime with her before the funeral tomorrow." Sharae said wrapping her arms around Kehlani. " you know what that's not a bad idea, I'll call babe and make it a thing" I gave dey to Kehlani and I went into the dressing room to get my phone. I walked into the room and I seen the devil himself. " Giveon, what do you want and why are you in my room?" " Baby, take me back please. I found out Justine was lying about the pregnancy and I wasn't myself" " Listening chille you can keep all of that. Get out my room, I'm only going to ask nicely once" " What does he do for you? Huh? Does he take you to Paris just because, does he hold you the way I held you? Does he make love to you the way I have made love to you" " actually no" a smile came across his face. " he does it better than you, and you wasn't making love to me, you was lusting me" that smile dropped real quick. Before I could finish my sentence a knock came to my door. " come in!" The door opened revealing my man my man my mannnnn " hey baby I was just about to call you" " really? So why this Nigga in here?" " oh him, he was just leaving" " nah I'll leave, looks like I was interrupting something." He made his way to the door. " Tank you not serious right now" he walked out without saying a word to me. " Get out!" I turned to giveon " De.." I didn't want to hear nothing else from him, I opened the door to help him make his grand exit. He got the hint and left out and I slammed the door in his face. I went to get my phone and called tank immediately. "Your call has been forward to the automatic voice message.." I hung up called back , same thing. I put my head back and groaned " I am going to kill him !!!"


Sharae's P.O.V

" wait he was here?!" " Girl yes, now tank is mad because he thought we was on some other shit" destin leaned back in the car seat. " let me call him, you stay quiet in the back" I dialed tanks number into the car. " hello?" He answered and destin rose up to the front seat. I fanned him off " what happened?" " I don't know sis, does your brother really love me?" " of course he does, don't let giveon ruin what y'all got. Misery loves company. All I can say is, is talk to him and let him explain what you saw and how it made you feel. From what destin told me, he was just trying to get the boy out his room." " well I'll call him, thanks sis. Love you" " love you too" the call hung up and turned to destin. " Nigga when I said sit back , sit back! Yo ass was bout to jump in the front seat as soon you heard his voice" " sis that man got me sprung like a bedroom mattress" we all laughed at that shit cause what?! Destin phone ring and he blocks me and keh out in the front seat. " you good" I asked her " yeah, I just can't believe we made thing official. I'm happy" she was cheesing hard as hell tho. " meet too babe, since we never had a date before you asked me. Would you like to go on a date with me Sunday? and you have to bring adeya. Maybe go to the zoo or something. Then later that night have a dinner, my place or yours?" I put my hand on thigh while i was focusing on the road. "Your place is fine until I find out who the hell is stalking me." " well you know my home is open to you, dey, and your mom till this blows over" " I gotchu" she replied. We made it to my moms house. Since I had a key, I opened the door myself. Betty wright was in the background in my mama's bedroom. " mama I know damn well your old ass ain't being nasty in here" " oh shit" I heard her say. " oh shit is right!" My mama and her fiancé came out the room covering up themselves. " don't cover up now, you wasn't covering up when y'all been bumping bones" destin said " bumping bonessss" Kehlani repeated laughing her ass off. " what y'all come here for" " me, Kehlani and destin came by to keep your company before bri's ceremony tomorrow and to let you that Kehlani and I are together" her eyes lit up " Oh that's good news, congratulations to y'all. I would hug you but I'm pretty sure y'all know what we were doing" " bout to make me throw the fuck up" destin mumbled. This Nigga is on a roll tonight. Kehlani chuckled " it's fine ms.nette thank you" " and where is tank?" " I'm here, ms.nette" this Nigga just popped up outta nowhere. " I drove by your house and I figured if you weren't there, you would be here." " aww baby" destin said wrapping his arms around his neck. " This is beautiful, I can feel love in this room. Let us go shower and let me put some food on the stove." " US? Shower? Girl you still my mama nie, don't get whooped" I said causing everyone to laugh. " I'll go shower first nette so I can put the meat on the grill" " okay big poppa" she replied following a kiss. " uh uh!" Destin said " where is the trash can, hell nah" i said acting like I was going to throw up. I know I'm just joking at them. But I like seeing my mom happy like this. But me and that nigga definitely need to talk before I call him my dad. " can I invite my mom and baby" Kehlani asked my mom while she pulling collard greens out the fridge. " you sure can baby" my mom replied. Keh grabbed her phone to call her mom, 2 hours went by,The food was cooked, everyone was there and it was a great family moment.

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