Demon Slayer Dump (DS)

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I watched the first season in english and got alot of ideas and I cant do anything because I only know of that 1 season and nothing about deep lore... so if you want to use a couple of the ideas they're right here. Dont ask perm to use em because I legit dont care lel.

Mutation Art: It works as follows: the demon can mutate his body with more limbs or mass, extra eyes or teeth, in a way hes like the unkillable lizard scp except he can die from head cut and sunlight. He can call out ___ mutation to speed it up ex: Greater Mutation Blood Demon Art! And with it he can also change up his body structure, he could be a mass with long legs or become a bird whose wings let him glide, he can also mutate his body to be immune to sunlight HOWEVER! Once that is done the body cannot mutate further and he'd have to shed the part in order to use it again. He has no known name but is known for being iffy with humans, he sometimes hurts them and sometimes hurts demons, he would be an uppermoon if not for his rebelliousness.

Mirror art: he tried to fight to protect himself, but muzan was stronger. seeing his determination and strength he opted to make him a demon, in a powerful blow he turned him into a demon and shattered all the mirrors in his mirror shop... but he still remembered, summoning several mirrors he captured light, condensed it, and fired a powerful beam that burned through muzans arm and a wall, he swore to hunt and kill muzan. The art is simple, he can summon mirrors larger then a door but not by much and small enough to make a blind man see with mirrors in his eyes, the range he can summon and keep mirrors summoned is different, hes capable of making his body a mirror which keeps him safe from sunlight but make him as a demon obvious, he relies on eating animal blood for food, because of it not being human he needs alot more, another ability of his which he became renowned for in the demon community was a mirror in front of a demon, he grabbed the flaming sword from the mirror that the demon was using and began to fight with it, he swore to never hurt humans and has been hunting muzan for years since

Guardian: a slayer fell into a hole, he couldn't leave it, he tried to head towards ruins until a demon that didn't look remotely human rushed at him, it had 3 tails with sharp ends, long claws, short white fur, and looked a bit like a fox in terms of stance, but was bigger then the slayer themself, they rushed backwards not having their sword and just before it striked, it stopped, and walked off. Looking down the slayer noticed 3 colors of grass, like a type of meter, they assumed it was its restricted radius until they looked over and saw it walk out of the circle, stab a bird and eat it. Realizing the creature was rather guarding something. The slayer slowly gained its trust and could move 1 layer in, it would have eyes on them but allowed it, it guards something. The idea being its guarding a powerful sword, from both human and demon. It's known to spit fire, acid, and air blasts, its claws can throw ranged air slashes and it has been observed to cut rocks with ease.

The stone man: sitting in a dense forest lies an odd demon, he never moves from a single spot, he never eats a thing he attacks, he only acts when attacked, he sits center of a stone circle ruins. When a slayer backed up and fell a demon slashed which hit this demon, the demon responded by standing in place and making huge pillars of stone that crushed the demon immediately. The slayer readied to attack it but it did same... the slayer lowered the weapon and the demon lowered its defenses. The area became restricted since the encounter, from both humans and demons as a way to avoid him. He isnt guarding something hes waiting for someone.

The guardian: deep in a mountain is an underground village, in said village lives humans and 1 demon, this demon is known through village legends as the guardian of the people, it always saves the people in the town from mine collapses and even other demons. The being takes a brown stone colored golem like appearance.

Peace palaces: deep underwater, inside a huge tree, and in a long forgotten island lives villages, with demons, humans, and hybrids between the 2. They want nothing to do with the human demon war, they wish to live in peace...

Astral breathing: i dont have much ideas for the char outside of some guy who lived with people among the stars but doesnt anymore nor remembers, the main idea behind this was from one of the breathing techniques, the area gets coated in stardust and copys of the user appear, slashing at the chosen demon at random for a bit until they all spin around putting blades around the demons neck in a star like formation before all of them slice through it together.

Rainbow breathing: only thing i have is a slash that launches a rainbow.

Greater suns: formed by demons, humans, and hybrids, the 8 greater suns and 8 lesser suns consist of powerful beings not looking for power but an end to the war.

Dark hunter: hes like no other demon, he eats demons and a single drop of human blood caused him to rip his tongue off and then burn it, eating demon blood gives him that demons abilities full extent, including abilities the demon hasn't unlocked yet, hes known for really liking the smell of moon blood but rushed towards a king the chance he gets, he ate the demon king that ruled america and can summon a sun now.

Sun Art: a demon immune to sunlight that uses it as an art, hypothetical leader of the greater suns.

Reaper: Hypothetical Demon that represents Death by hunting those that should be dead but aren't.

Destruction: hypothetical Error sans version of a demon, ability consists of summoning swords with breathing styles to them along with cracks that act like strings, once in blood he has control over you, highly sadistic and a god in the multiverse, takes no recognition to any character from the demon slayer fandom but the Ink variant takes high appearances ti Tanjiro.

Elemental breathing: A combination of each element based breathing all in 1, once a full breathing tree is learned it can be used with another completed tree to make element breathing, Fire, Water, Air, Ground, and Thunder are some of the abilities, hes on a journey to learn all of them, hypothetically would currently know Water and Fire and be journeying to get Air or Ground.

Just enough: theoretical concept where the demon heals as fast as the sun burns, but only as fast.

I might make a part 2 but UNLIKELY

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