Procedure M-U.T (SCP)

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Scp yet mixed with UT... kinda, you'll see

Why am I up at 1? Dont worry bout it

Procedure M-U.T is to be enacted whenever major containment breach or X-K class scenarios or similar are active or about to be active.

Upon this procedure, Dr.Bright will call ###-###-#### which will contact Anomoly 1, the following Entity is NOT to be referred to as an SCP for the following 2 reasons, Anomaly wishes to not be referred to as an SCP, and Anomaly not only seemingly has universe ending capabilities, but also reality altering and will will fix any and all forms of referring to him as an SCP.

Orders from Anomaly 1, code name #####, are to be taken with seriousness as an 05 council order.

Anomaly 1 Description:

Anomaly 1 is a white male around 6'2 in height and weighing around 120 pounds being named #####, while these details can be altered, these are the most common instance's.

Anomaly 1 wears a variety of clothing depending on both situation and location, however it has been observed wearing its own kind.

Anomaly 1 is very rarely seen in human world, but its noted that he is generally there and those that can see him can because their allowed too.

The first discovery of Anomaly 1 was during a major containment breach in which half of site 19 had escaped into surrounding citizen cities. During the hunt of scp 106 and scp 173, Anomaly 1 appeared suddenly from an alleyway, viewing a panicking crowd as Scp-173 sits dead center with a dead male in its arms, in a sudden instance a strange panel appeared in Anomaly 1's hands with the words OverWrite on it before a mass of what can only be described as glitching occurred, a sudden stage appeared as Scp-173 was on a pedestal being treated like some ordinary statue. Anomaly began performing a large show on the stage as the citizens seemingly forgot everything that had just happened, all damaged buildings and dead citizens were suddenly fixed and alive again, Dr Jack Bright noted the following:

I didn't quite understand at first, but a look he gave me... the show was to keep the people away from the SCP's, he was being a distraction for us while we worked, he was actively helping us...

The officials moved quickly to contain Scp-106 but mid-way through the show Scp-106's path was blocked by 2 figures. Scp-173 was in containment and Anomaly 1 stood beside it with a large pink blade, he stabbed 106 in the chest seemingly allowing him mind control of the Scp before he directed it into containment. A few minutes later and all Scp's were recontained but Anomaly 1 was no where to be seen. Dr.Bright would later find a calling card in his pocket.

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Welcome Creator of some sort, the following information is presented to you specifically for the purpose of you having made an Alternative Universe or AU on the following world, important information listed below...

Anomaly 1 is a reincarnated human with the abilities of all known and even some unknown beings from the UnderTale Multiverse, he is familiar with the Gods of the Multiverse and their abilities and forms but has a preference to non-god abilities such as OverWrite and KameHameBruh.

Following information is important:

Anomaly 1 is limited to 3 au characters a day who's abilities he may use, he doesn't have to choose them immediately and can wait til the end of the day to use an ability, all active powers such as illusion and control will break upon a dead exact 24 hours American Chicago time, once midnight hits there his abilities reset, if he still uses an ability through a reset, it will count as 1 of the 3 for the next 24 hours.

Anomaly 1 is fully incapable of altering the rules of his abilities even with the power of gods and mainframe, the catch is permanent.

Anomaly 1's aging is extremely slow and his body would become the 80 year of age equivalent at 540, Anomaly 1 does not require 3 meals a day, a minimum of 1 fulfilling meal to stay healthy, he can have more then 1 but can get full at 4 meals.

Anomaly 1 has no love interest and is completely immune to all forms of lust and flirt. Anomaly 1 does have 2 known fears, Void, and betrayal, Anomaly 1 trusts Bright with contacting him, no more. Anomaly 1 makes major leaps and attempts at avoiding friendships and love interests due to both abandonment from family and friends, and multiple back stabs including the one that caused his death leading to reincarnation.

The memories if erased will slowly return to him over the years, will cause more then issues if memories return during a friendship or caring ceremony, heavily advised to avoid memory removal.

Final note: powers equivalent to that of AlphaTale, or Greater, can very likely cause dimensia, amnesia, and severe short term memory loss, not all at once, the chances are equally high at 95% to happen. Anomaly 1 is aware the abilities have a risk of causing harm but isn't aware what the risk is.

We thank you Creator of some kind for making an SCP AU, along with this specific type, we hope your universe works well and you make wise choices.


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