More Demon Slayer (DS)

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Aight I'v gotten more idea's so... have.

Demon Hunters: a symbol of a demon head with eyes and a katana behind him is the sigil, impressively its not run by humans, but demons. While Muzan can turn humans that doesn't mean it was only Muzan who does that, it just gives most power. Some humans turned by regular demons formed together this group, since they are not cursed by Muzan they don't directly follow him, they use demon blood and animal blood to survive but never hurting humans, I'v got only two ideas for two members. A friend will supposedly use em but idk his acnt or yt.

Ice: using a sword of ice, this hunter uses the cold to slow and halt his enemies (mostly demons) for easier attacking, making pillars of ice from the ground, rising waves, or orbs, or just cooling the air around him, his sword acts similarly to a nicharin blade but instead of the demon immediately dying, its slower, hence how he eats n stuff.

Laser: multiple floating eyes capable of firing single burning hot lasers along with the dudes palms which can fire larger versions of these lasers, they have different colors but they don't mean anything in terms of power or attack, but could be signals if he coordinates that. He can reabsorb the eyes into his body so he can release multiple lasers at once, lasers can be fired either as a beam or a bullet. He wears some sort of cloth with a symbol over his eyes, this is because as a human he was very sensitive to light and it transferred over, he can still see its just there as a light shield.

Now a random scatter of ideas.

Metal: multiple octo-like arms lay off his back, in a cave he swings away a hammer on a blade, on a mission to make a perfect weapon, he doesn't hunt and how he survives is unknown, but he is still very powerful. He can instantly melt metal and form it into his choice, weapons, tools, trinkets. But he believes the best weapons are made by hand hence why he hammers away. When a slayer found him, they failed to cut his neck and they panic as he grabs their blade, but sits confused when he walked off, couple minutes later he walks back with there weapon, glowing slightly from newfound power. He heavily upgraded it, sharper, lighter, way way more durable. He's a master weapons-smith with few to challenge him. He is on no-ones side and fight when he needs to, human or demon, he'd also help both but demons fear him cus of an execution he did on one who tried to steal from him.

Shoriku: special kind of bomb made from the petals of a wisteria tree.

Perfection: the hypothetical success of muzan wanting to perfect the demon virus, a being stronger then Kings and the sun, a demon with every art accessible to their finger tips, an entity capable of calling themselves a gOd...

Aaaaaand I'm outa idea's.

Do note theres a special and powerful insanity Art I'm keeping to myself so if I do decide to write demonslayer then I can use it, its a reference to another anime and thats all you get to know.


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