Is it... Just us? (Fgod UT)

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Plain FGod Error background

Ink had an Idea, it was extremely stupid so he almost didn't do it, then accidentally did it anyways.

So now, the entire multiverse, yes, everyone, that wasn't Error or the Bad sans (blue included) was now in the anti-void. And Error was kicked out of the anti-void.

It was sealed with extremely powerful magic Ink created, so now, the Bad Sans, Error, and Blue are in the multiverse alone, with no access to the anti-void.

The entire multiverse is kinda stuck there for 3 months, so all they can do is listen to the voices of the anti-void and watch through one way portals whats going on in the multiverse.

It would be through this an endless number of things gets revealed to them, Error hating destroying, Nightmare being kind, Horror likes planting and Swap despises being called a child, to the point when he realized he was alone immediately challenged everyone to a who can get drunk last contest, he won easily, then got drunk.

They watched as they wandered and explored the what felt like a wasteland that is the multiverse because its just them, not even Core or a Frisk was to be found.

They played they fought, they gamed and they read, not being evil remotely whilst they searched for a way to bring everyone back, surprising even Dream.

Eventually comes the time the multiverse can re-enter its au's. So with all this newfound information comes the next question... What to actually do with it?


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