Chapter 1

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Todoroki's POV

Todoroki was walking home from school on a beautiful autumn day. It was a Thursday. He would arrive later than usual, so he could only hope that the man he had to call his father, Enji, better known as Endeavor, the number one hero, wasn't home yet. I got a notification from my sister, Fuyumi.

Fuyumi: 🔥 ❤️🔥

I stiffened seeing the text, though it was just three emojis, what it symbolized was pain. It was a warning that Endeavor was mad. "Isn't he always?" I thought. Anyhow, one fire emoji meant he was arriving soon, the heart was how mad he was, green heart for frustration, yellow for mad, and red for furious. I hadn't seen this exact text in a long time.

"Shit, shit, SHIT," I thought, "Why was this my life, why, just, WHY! Every day was painful for him. Abuse, trying to hide the scars, more abuse, always chained to pain. But every time I broke a chain, more, stronger chains were added. But nobody saw them, they were thinner than spider webs, stronger than the strongest steel, whenever I tried to move the slightest, they cut me, I cut me because I was not worth the pain I caused Fuyumi and Natsuo, I would be better off dead, but when I had tried, hanging to be exact, he, the man he was had to call his father, stopped him. And beat him up for it, his masterpiece couldn't die. He wanted to die, he was forced to live, so he just cut, because he deserved it, the pain was relieving to him."

He realized he was right in front of the door to his hellhole of a home. I walked in to find Endeavor about to hit Fuyumi, a hard blow as well. She was crying and looked slightly injured, not serious, but she would probably pass out. Time stopped and I heard him yell something, I think it was "WHERE'S SHOTO YOU WORTHLESS SHIT-" I stepped in front of her, and felt a painful blow hit my face. My wrist hurt as he dragged me to the training room, Fuyumi still crying.


3rd person

Endeavor had left for work, and Shoto was laying down on the floor, bloodied and beaten, slowly pulling myself up, Fuyumi was passed out, and hopefully, she would move out of this hellhole soon, she didn't deserve this, he would try to convince her to move out soon, so he had to learn to manage on his own, Natsuo had listened and left for medical school. It was a good school, and fortunately, in a different country, he was doing well for himself. Unfortunately, he was visiting soon. It wasn't that Shoto didn't like him, it was that Natsuo would have to stay in this hellhole, quite unfortunate indeed. He snapped out of his trance, he was already bandaging his wounds, how had that happened? "Probably just muscle memories, I've done this so many times" He winced as he bent over to put his medical supplies in the cabinet of his bathroom. He washed his face and looked at his body in the mirror. He was fat, ugly, and weak, he could go on for hours! He walked to the school dorms. "HEY ICYHOT" Todoroki flinched at the yelling. He bounced back quickly, "Hello Bakugou, what is it?" he replied, " I MADE KATSUDON, DO YOU WANT SOME BI-"

"BAKUGOU LANGUAGE!" Todoroki flinched, shocked at Iida yelling behind him. He pulled up the hood of his hoodie and turned his back to Bakugou and Iida, hiding his tears. "I'm not hungry," Todoroki said, just loud enough for them to hear. He ran up to his room. He quickly rebandaged his wound and put on some more comfortable clothes. He studied and finished homework. Then went to the bathroom and took off his clothing and bandages to clean his wounds, he felt his eyes start to blur with tears looking at himself. He looked into his cabinet, going to grab the med kit, and his eyes caught his best friend, his blade, the only thing he had ever actually trusted to always be there for him. He sat in the shower and counted... for being fat

...two for being weak

...three for being ugly

...four for making Fuyumi worry

...five for being an idiot

...six for just being alive.

He continued until he had 15 cuts on each arm.

He cleaned up the blood on his arms and washed his tears away. He changed into some comfy, crimson red pj's. He fell on his futon and cried himself to sleep.


He walked into a dark room. He saw his mother standing in front of the stove, hunched over it on a phone call, on the stove, was a kettle boiling. "His left side is unbearable to me sometimes, I can't raise him anymore," She said, "What are you saying, mama?" I asked in a scared voice. She turned around, "those eyes" she looked insane. Todoroki felt boiling water on his face, through the blur caused by the boiling water, and his tears. Through the blur, he realized his mother had turned into his father, and he was dragged to the training room by his hair. Suddenly a blast of fire was shot at him, it turned blue, and suddenly, once the flames cleared Endeavor had turned into Touya, "It's your fault I died" he said. Another shot of blue fire at him.

Shoto opened his eyes, tears starting to form, and he calmed himself down. He put on a large oversized hoodie and went downstairs. He drank a glass of water, his throat was extremely dry. He went back to his room and tried to fall asleep. After a few hours of trying, he looked at his phone, it was already 5:00. He opened Twitter,


Endeavors kids are so lucky, rich, well-respected, famous, and probably have awesome quirks! Would kill to be one of them! And Endeavor is probably such a good father!

#Envious #Jealous #Endeavorsgoodparenting

(A/N Ik it's kinda cringy but why not)

Todoroki felt more tears forming, why was this his life? Everyone thought it was perfect, but it was the opposite, and... one...

...would ever...


...until never.

1038 words

A/N So I took a shot at writing this. Hope you like it, I will try to post the next chapter soon! And Criticism is accepted and wanted, but please be nice everybody.

P.S Ya'll can just call me Author-chan

See ya


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