Chp. 6 (Good Ending)

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Todoroki's P.O.V

When I walked into the Japanese house. I was greeted by Endeavor standing there coldly.

"I got a call from your school, you got expelled. Explain. Right. Now." Was the only "greeting" Todoroki got. "I-I w-well ummm" Todoroki tried to get out, breaking off into silence. Before he could continue, he was slammed into the wall. Then punched me brutally in the face. He was pinned, held by his neck, holding his father's hand, trying to get him to let go. Endeavor was sizzling, literally and metaphorically.

Todoroki couldn't speak, so when Endeavor forcefully asked him to explain properly, I just let tears spill. He kicked me, and then he did it again, and again, and again. He threw me off the wall onto the floor. "WHAT DID WE SAY ABOUT TEARS?!" Endeavor yelled at him, but he started crying harder, no worse, sobbing.

He felt Endeavor's shoe grind into his skull, his head grinding into the floor, "YOU NEVER LEARN DO YOU, EXPLAIN NOW!", but instead, Todoroki shrieked, for Endeavors shoe was on fire, it scorched his hair and skull.

He was whipped, punched, kicked, choked, crushed, stretched, cut, stabbed, burned, and stepped on. It went on for a few hours too, before suddenly, Shoto was thrown out of the house, into the bushes outside. It had started raining. The weather and mood really matched. Todoroki walked,

His feet carry him. Until he was on a rooftop of a tall building. He sat near the edge. He took one moment to think. What did he have to live for?

He stood up.

He heard a chilling voice scream his name, and shivers ran down his spine, making him feel cold. He heard the pro heroes behind him, the voice was not of a pro hero, no, it was of a mentor, a teacher, a father figure. Someone he had thought he could trust. It was Aizawa, it was Aizawa who had screamed out Todoroki's name, Aizawa, who had built Todoroki back up. And it was Aizawa, who had made him fall apart.

Midnight P.O.V (Right after they lost Todoroki in the chase)

The heroes were defeated, how had they not noticed Todoroki being the traitor? Now Todoroki, a 16-year-old murderer, had gotten away, and was in the wild! How can a whole group of experienced pro heroes lose a single 16-year-old? Midnight was honestly disappointed with herself, how had she not noticed? How many times had she hugged him close? How many times had she taught him to class? Too many to count, and now she was in this situation. She thought of the reasonable thing to do, and then said to the team of pro heroes, "We cannot mope around, we must find out whose blood it is, and then find Todoroki" The rest of the group silently agreed, and they went back to Todoroki's dorm, and Nezu pulled out his rapid DNA test he started running the test, a few others helping him.

(A/N They are in the future, who knows if they'll have rapid DNA tests or not)

Midnight, on the other hand, was looking around the room, she then found a small book. It had the words, "Dear Diary, Today..." so Midnight knew it was supposed to be a diary, what it was actually used for was unknown. She decided she would read it when the results came in. She walked up to Nezu, "Time?", she asked, "5 more minutes", was his response. He gave it to Midnight, and she saw it was just loading. She stated intently.

Four minutes left...

Three minutes left...

Two minutes left...

One minute left...

The results were in, and Midnight could only stare at the screen in shock, for the possibility hadn't even crossed their minds. She shakily set down the results. And there sat a small tablet-like device, showing a picture of Shoto Todoroki, and his name in big bold letters. Midnight was the only one able to speak, and she placed down the diary, "Maybe this will explain why." She said in a grim tone. They all read it, Aizawa reading out loud.

Page 1

Wednesday, November 17, *insert whatever year it was when he was ten*

I decided to start this diary, Fuyumi told me it would help, and that instead of cutting, I should start writing in here. So I'm gonna talk about today. Dad hit me, but not as hard as last week! So that's good isn't it! Ok, I lied, it was more of neat up than just hit, but it still wasn't as hard! I'm on the right track! Maybe he'll start loving me!

Shoto, 10 yr, <3

They kept reading, and the book just kept getting sadder and sadder. The more it went on, the less positive, "He didn't hit me as hard" to a "He beat me up, I don't know why, but I probably deserve it". It also included stuff about how he thought everybody hates him, and how he did too. There were some gruesome descriptions of how Endeavor had abused him, and of his past. But the saddest was when they came across the words, "I almost ended it all today."

The heroes had fucked up.

They had fucked up hard.

And if they didn't find Shoto soon, he might kill himself.

Aizawa's P.O.V (current time)

As I ran to Todoroki, I felt guilt course through me, how could I have let this happen?

I put my hand on his shoulder and made him turn around. He was crying silent tears, and he looked not like a calm and composed adult, but a broken child, because that was exactly what he was. I crouched down and looked him in the eye. Hand on the shoulder, his heterochromatic eyes staring into Aizawa's, tears forming in Todoroki's eyes. Aizawa did one thing, he stated a fact, "I am going to save you", but at those words, Todoroki started breaking down, tears running down his face, whilst he started to slowly break down, all standing. Aizawa pulled Todoroki into his chest, and he held on to Todoroki with a death grip. He was slightly slouching his body to cover Todoroki, and Todoroki was pressing his face into his chest.

Aizawa was protecting Todoroki from the world.

Todoroki's crying turned into heart-wrenching sobs as he put his arms around Aizawa, holding on to him as he sobbed through his pain.

And then Todoroki let out a scream a child should never have to produce.

It was blood curling, a scream of true pain.

Aizawa, at that moment, decided to kill Endeavor when he was done taking care of Shoto.

Because Shotos scream was the scream of a broken child.

The end

That's it for this story. That's it for this story. Hope you enjoyed it, I'm going to be writing a Natshig book soon, so stay tuned for that. It'll be called Fortunate Misfortunes, and it's a trans ftm Natsuo AU, and I recognize that Natsuo and Shigaraki haven't met before. But I think if they met it would be an awesome ship. Also gonna write a Hawks angst book called Vertigo. It's gonna either be Mirko x Hawks or no ships. Just not in a DabiHawks mood for that book. 

Don't forget to read the short extra chapter/epilogue.

Thanks for reading, "Wrong Conclusions." Sorry for the long wait for updates.

Love ya'll platonically

Jay <3

Wrong Conclusions (Todoroki angst T.W)Where stories live. Discover now