Chapter 1: Prologue/trailer

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It was a normal day for the Rescue Riders... well, except one thing.

"Ack!" Winger hit a tree. Him and Dak flew up. "Maybe it was a bad idea going solo on this, Dak!" Winger said, dodging a blast. "Aaaah, we'll be fine," Dak said, being cocky. Winger sighs and gets blasted by the dragon they were fighting, knocking both Winger and Dak out of the sky! "Whoaaaaa!" They yell.

They hit the ground. "Wing, you okay?" Dak asked, going over to the Swiftwing? "Wh-who are you?" Winger asked. "It's me, Dak!" Dak said. "Winger......." Winger power blasted Dak, well, almost, if it weren't for Dak dodging him. "Winger, no!" Dak yelled. Winger kept on power blasting dak (or trying) and then roared at him and flew away.

Winger POV

That was weird, I don't remember anything and... I feel something on my back. It's a saddle! Wha-!? When'd this get on me? I shake it off and it plummets into the sea. I boost my speed and go faster. That was very weird.


Why did Winger not remember me? Was that a dragon who could give other dragons amnesia but it doesn't work on humans? All I know is I need help getting back to the Roost. What would Leyla do? Oh, I know! She would make a fire to signal everyone else. I did just that. I hope they find me.

Yes! They found me. Summer lands and Leyla goes over to me. "Dak! What's wrong? Where's Winger!?" Leyla asked. "We were fighting a dragon and it blasted Winger, he passed out for a bit and when he woke up he attacked me!" I yelled. Leyla gasped. "That was a Memory Wiper dragon!" Leyla said. "What do you mean?" Aggro asked. "Yeah, what she said." I added.

"Guys... I think Winger has amnesia,"


The Rescue Riders are lost when Winger gets Amnesia. Now without a Swiftwing, missions get hard.

"Aggro, NO!"

"Cutter, get her!"

Winger does not remember Dak, and is now without a saddle and a rider. Can Dak get his dragon back...

"Wing, it's me!"

"Who's 'me'?"

Or Is all hope lost for the Swiftwing and the Boy to become best friends again?

"I give up."

Find out in...


"DAK, NO!"

Forgotten Friendships

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