Chapter 6: Finale part 1

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Dak's POV

I am riding on Cutter, I am SO worried about Winger! With his amnesia, he'll NEVER survive Golden Island!

"We will save Winger," Cutter suddenly said. I smiled. "I hope so, Cut. I hope so...." I said.

"DRAGONS!!!" Oh no.

"What do we have?"

"A Fastfin, a Relentless Razorwing, A Fire Fury, and finally, a Rockspitter." Someone told him. "Hmmmm...." The man smirked. "FIRE!!"

"OH NO!" Aggro said. we all scattered, Cutter stabbed a person with his spikes. "Oops..." Cutter saiNd as the person fell to the ground, dead, his body was limp. "Ehhhh...." Me and cutter looked at each other. I whistled like nothing happened as we slowly flew away from the area.

Winger POV

Me and Star heard an explosion. "Whoa! What was that?" Star asked. I power blasted the bars and we walked out. I suddenly heard a way too familiar scream. My eyes widened as I looked at the source. The same boy from 8 days ago was falling from a Relentless Razorwing... to his death.

"DAK, NO!"

Dak. That word echoed in my head. Dak. Why is that word so familiar?



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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