Chapter 4: Golden Island

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We all landed on Golden Island. Oh, man. Me, Cutter, Burple, Summer, Leyla, and Winger swore to never come here ever again. We got tortured last time. Burple and Cutter had to get fish... Leyla and Summer had to help... me and Winger got stuck dragon racing.... Stuff like that. Thankfully, we escaped.

"this is even creepier then the last time we came, oh, wait, no it isn't! IT'S THE SAME AMOUNT OF CREEPY!!" Cutter yelled. I nodded.

"Shhh! They will hear us." Leyla shushed.

Winger POV

Ugh, I hate this Island. I had to "dragon race" as they call it something... something called a Speed stinger? I don't know. Anyways, the race had just begun. I was faster then the speed stinger as it couldn't fly. But... it was a good sprinter and caught up with me. I managed to gain speed as I hear cheers and "boos" around me. I glance at the Speed Stinger, who looked awestruck at someone being faster then him. Let's see who wins...

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