The Curse

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Plot: At Calypso's school, Coco hears the story of Pandora's Box and opens a mysterious box, unleashing a 'curse' that only she can control.


Mum! Dad! Bingo! Bluey!




"Once upon a time, there was a little goddess named Pandora." Calypso was reading a picture book to her students. "One day, Mercury gave her a box filled with all the sorrows of the world, and told Pandora not to open it. But Pandora was anxious to know what was inside of it!"

"And then what happened?" Coco wiggled in her spot, excited to see what would happen to Pandora next.

Calypso chuckled at her student's enthusiasm. "Well, Coco." She flipped a page of the book.  "Pandora was so excited that she couldn't help herself and opened the box!"

The children gasped. "What happened next?" Bluey asked. "Was Pandora okay?"

"Pandora herself was fine, Bley." Calypso flipped another page. "But she had released all the sadness, pain, and suffering back into the universe and could not ger them back in the box. Pandora closed the box as fast as she could, but the only thing left inside was hope."

"Is that how the story ends?" Coco tilted her head.

"Uh, yes, I believe it is." Calypso shut the book.

"But that was a sad ending." Coco's puffy fur seemed to deflate.

"Why don't we have some free time outside to cheer everybody up?" Calypso clapped her paws together. "Come on, everyone! Outside!"

The children cheered and rushed outside to play. coco lingered behind them, still sad about the story. But something caught her attention: A shiny red box shaped like a pawprint.

"Ooh!" Coco mumbled. "What a pretty box!"


This episode of "Bluey" is called "The Curse".


Coco walked over to the box, looking at it intently. The box emitted a fruity smell, similar to ice cream or lollipops. The box has a sticky note taped onto it, which read, "Do not touch!"

Coco reached over to the box; She couldn't help herself! It looked so pretty, and it smelled like pure joy and happiness curled up into a box. But, before she could open the box, somebody stopped her:

"Coco! Calypso said not to open it!"

Behind Coco stood Bluey, crossing her arms. "You can't open it, Coco! The stuff inside of the box is a 'surprise'!"

"But Bluey, it smells so good!" 

"When Pandora opened the box when she wasn't allowed to," Bluey began. "-she let out a curse! What if the same thing happens to you?"

"It won't Bluey!" Coco rolled her eyes. "It was just a story."

"Fine." Bluey started back outside. "But don't come to me if you get in trouble!"

Coco ignored the Blue Heeler's comment and started to take the box's lid off of it. Inside the box was sherbet. Coco clapped her paws in joy; She loved sherbet.

The poodle grabbed a stick and ate. The sherbet had a sweet, tangy taste to it, with that sugary powder feeling that everybody identified with sherbet. Coco couldn't resist; She grabbed another.

By the time she had finally started to feel full, Coco had consumed four sticks of sherbet. Bluey was staring at her from outside, shaking her head in disappointment. "Do you see that, children?" She said to her rock 'babies'. "That is not how you act in a proper society!". Then, Bluey blinked. She looked up into the sky and found a raindrop on her nose. "It wasn't supposed to rain today!"

The rain grew heavier and heavier. Soon, all the children were running inside for cover. "It's raining, Calypso!" One of the children called out to their teacher, who was crocheting a scarf on the porch.

Calypso tilted her head up to the air. "Oh, yes. I see it is." She rose. "I guess this means we'll have to go inside."

Coco panicked. What if Calypso saw the sherbet and found out she had eaten it all? Without thinking, Coco kicked the box to the side and ran over to the dolls. But when she got there, something had happened. 

"Oh, goodness!" Coco exclaimed. "Calypso! The dollies' heads have fallen off!"

The dollies- Polly, Holly, and Molly- have somehow been decapitated, their heads put into a basket to the right of Calypso's rocking chair and the bodies left at the dollhouse.

Before she could comment again, a piercing scream could be heard from another room.

"Calypso! Come quick! There's a spider on the table!"

"Goodness!" Calypso came rushing into the room, looking around. "Children, what's all this fuss about?"

"There's a big old tarantula on the table, and it's all Coco's fault!" Bluey pointed to the poodle, glaring.


"Yes., you! If you hadn't opened the box like Pandora did, you wouldn't have given us bad luck, and this wouldn't have happened!"

"Woah, woah-" Calypso ushered herself into the conversation. "What's all this talk about a box?"

All the children stared at Coco. "Well," Bluey began. "Are you going to tell her?"

"Um... well..." Coco rolled the hells of her paws. "I may have opened the shiny red box with the sherbet inside of it..."


"And... I may have eaten the sherbet sticks for myself..."

"How many sticks?"

Coco looked down to the floor in shame and held up one paw. The children gasped.

"Four sticks?" Bluey was flabbergasted. "I thought you only ate two!"

"You monster!" yelled Winton. "Think of all the sherbet we could have had for ourselves!" 

"Now, now, children, calm down for a moment." Calypso quieted the kids down. "I'm sure Coco is very sorry for what she has done."

Coco nodded, tears starting to prickle her eyes. "I couldn't help it." She mumbled to herself quietly. "I didn't think the story was real."

"And it isn't." Calypso knelt down to Coco's level. "Coco didn't cause the curse. We've just gotten ourselves some bad luck, that's all."

"Then what about the dollies and their heads?" Bluey asked.

"And the tarantula and the rain?" said Coco.

"Bad luck." Calypso patted Coco's head. "Sometimes we just have days where nothing seems to go right." She turned to Coco. "Now, how are we going to solve our sherbet problem?"


"Now, Coco, are you sure you want to do this?" Bella asked her daughter in the grocery store. "I mean, you're using your own money for this.

"I know, Mum." Cooc grabbed three packets of sherbet and stuffed them in the cart. "But I need to make it up to the others."

"Now, cooc, you promise to keep yourself in control from now on?"


"And you won't be going around opening boxes that you are told not to, right?"


"Alright then." Bella pushed the cart to the cashier. "Come on; Let's pay for these."

Coco followed her mother to the cashier, but stopped when she noticed a small, yellow box with green ribbon on it. Planted on top of the box was a "DO NOT TOUCH" sign.

Here we go again.



I'm sorry for such a long hiatus! My fingers were starting to hurt from typing so much, and I've been very busy with schoolwork as well. But, now that the load is getting lighter, I hope chapters will come out more frequently from here on out. Thank you to everyone that has supported the story so far!

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