Motor Bike

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Plot: Bluey and Indy desperately want motor bikes like Rusty's, so Indy's mum lets them save up for them by selling tiny sandwiches at the markets. When the bike comes, the girls aren't as excited as they thought they'd be.


"Did you see her?"

"Dusty? Yeah, she's so cute!"

"Not Dusty." Bluey frowned. "Caroline! Rusty's motor bike!"

"Oh, yeah!" Indy chuckled, remembering the day Bluey and her had spent at Rusty's house. "He's so good at riding it!"

"Yeah..." Bluey looked out of the window of her room dreamily. "I wish I had one."

"Me too..." Indy frowned. Then, an idea came up in her head. "Wait! What if we ask our mums to buy one for us! Then, we can both share it and ride together!"

"That's a great idea!" Bluey jumped. "But Mum says that motor bikes are really expensive. Can we both afford one?"

"I'm sure we'll be fine." Indy shrugged. "Besides, my Mum buys lots of things all the time. What harm could a motor bike cause?"

This episode of Bluey is called Motor Bike.

"Oh, please, Mum?" Indy begged her mother as she prepared to leave the house. "Please, can we have a motor bike like Rusty's?"

"I'm sorry, girls." Indy's mum shook her head. "But that bike costs over a hundred dollars and there's no money in the budget." She smiled empathetically. "How about we get you a smaller one for your birthday, Indy?"

"It wouldn't be the same." Indy flopped on the floor sadly and howled. Bluey joined her.

Indy's mother smirked and chuckled. "Now, now, don't get too worked up girls." She knelt down. "I'm sure you two can find a way to make enough money for the bike."

"But HOW would we do it?" Bluey groaned.

"How about we look on the ground for money?" Indy suggested. "That would be easy."

"It would take a long time." Bluey perked up. "Oh, but how about we help out with chores?"

"That's too boring." Indy flopped over on her tummy, when she started to smell a strong, flavorful aroma. "Hey, Bluey! Your mum made sandwiches!"

"The really tiny ones you eat?"

"Yeah, those!"

"Gluten-free, just how you like them, Windy." Chilli gave the sandwiches to Indy's mother. "I'd sell them myself, but Madge is having another temper tantrum and I need to get to the office soon." She pat Bluey's head and briskly went back upstairs.

"Thanks, Chilli!" Windy called out to her friend.

"Mum?" Indy sat up. "Are you going to see those at the shops?"

"Yep!" Windy nodded.

"Do you think," Indy continued. "If we made our own tiny sandwiches and sold them then we'd make enough money to get a motor bike like Rusty's?"

"I don't see why not!" Windy answered, smiling. "But..."

"But what?" Bluey's ears perked up. 

"It's gonna take some hard work..."

"We know!" Indy replied.

"And you'll need to budget up to buy the ingredients..."

"Dad can help us!" said Bluey.

"But won't it be worth it in the end?" Indy asked, cocking her head curiously. "That's what you always say."

Windy laughed. "It sure will be! Now, get to work, girls!"

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