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Scarlett was in shock over everything that had happened. She couldn't believe the truth over Ella and how she was actually Toms daughter. Scarlett could understand the bond they had now and how it was bond by blood

Scarlett was in shock over it all. Scarlett knew how she wanted to be there and support Tom in what he was going to do. All that she knew it was a mess. Scarlett stood in the kitchen with Gracie and looked to Gracie and smiled

"Everything is going to be okay baby" Scarlett said as Gracie babbled away. Scarlett held her one year old close. She looked as the door opened and smirked as Ella walked in

"Where's my dad?" She asked as Scarlett looked to the young girl that she loved and cared over and smiled

"He had a netting with his solicitor he had to sort something out. It's nothing for you to worry over"

"It's not over Amber is if. She's not trying to take me is she" Ella asked as Scarlett smiled. Scarlett knew how scared that Ella was that she'd be taken away

"No. It's about formally adopting you. He wants to make it official. That's all. Nothing to worry over. Go get ready for school and I'll buy us some breakfast on the way. I have to drop Gracie off early" Scarlett said as Ella nodded

Scarlett looked to Ella as she walked out of the room and sighed. She knew how hard things were and how it wasn't easy but she knew that she wanted them all to be a family

She knew how Tom was in shock over the truth and she was red to be supportive but Scarlett knew how it wasn't easy as she didn't know what to say or what to do

Scarlett got to work. She walked into the pastoral care office and looked to see Tom "how are you doing" she asked as he looked to her and smiled

"I'm okay" he said as she walked over to him and placed her hands on his shoulders and smiled

"I know it's not easy. But you need to talk to her. Ella needs to know the truth your her dad. Her biological dad it makes things better you don't need to adopt her as she is yours. She's been through a lot and you need to be honest with her. I know it's not easy but she trusts you and you can't keep this from her" Scarlett said

Tom looked to her and smiled. He pulled her into his knee and smiled as he leant in and kissed her and smiled

"Your right I'll talk to her tonight it just isn't going to be easy" he said as she smiled

"I know but I'm here" she said as he smiled

Scarlett sat in her classroom and sighed. She knew how a lot had happened and she knew that it was a lot to get her head over. Scarlett ran her hands through her hair as she sat marking

She looked to see Rachel as she walked into the room and smiled

"Are you okay" Rachel asked as Scarlett looked to her and smiled

"I'm okay. My head is a mess and there's a lot going on. But I'm okay things at home are complicated" Scarlett said

"You and Tim aren't fighting again are you" Rachel asked as Scarlett rolled her eyes

"No were good. All that you need to know is that it's nothing for you to worry over" Scarlett said. She knew how it was a mess but it was her family and she wanted everything to be okay even though she knew it wasn't easy

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