II. Kassiani is Not Being a Good Mentor

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ACT ONE: CHAPTER TWOKassiani is Not Being a Good Mentor

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Kassiani is Not Being a Good Mentor

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As they made their way to the Capitol, Luxen Cohen's name consumed Kassiani's thoughts. She had never experienced such a gripping sensation without even meeting the boy. What was happening to her? She couldn't help but wonder as she struggled to focus on her own tributes. Who were Luxen's mentors? How old was he? Why did he volunteer? The questions incessantly lingered in her mind.

Kohver's voice broke through her thoughts, "What's going on with you?" It was no surprise that her former mentor noticed that something was going on with the younger girl.

His voice jolted her out of her thoughts. "What?"

"Since yesterday, you've been acting rather odd. What's wrong?" Kohver probed, as they waited for Bard and Sisel to arrive for breakfast.

"Nothing's wrong, really. It's just the games and all," she muttered softly, only half-disclosing the truth. Kassiani was apprehensive about sharing the details of the truth. Kohver wouldn't understand.

Fortunately, before he could pursue the matter further, the doors swung open, and Peach sauntered in with Bard and Sisel trailing behind. Sisel's puffy eyes betrayed her lack of sleep and bouts of crying, while Bard's demeanor showcased his disdain, as if he would rather be anywhere else but here.

It was becoming increasingly difficult for Kassiani to muster up the strength to fight for someone who seemed determined to throw their life away. Despite Bard's confidence and experience with knives and butchering animals, this was an entirely different playing field. These were human lives they were hunting, and the weight of that fact weighed heavily on Kassiani's heart. How could he be so confident in their ability to take a life?

"Good morning, everyone," Peach's cheerful voice filled the air, though Kassiani couldn't bring herself to match the escort's sunny disposition. "Hope you slept well! We're almost there now and I'm betting once we finish eating we'll have arrived!"

Kassiani forced a smile and greeted the others, though she could feel Kohver not being as receptive as he only greeted with a grunt. It was too early for this.

They sat around in silence all too focused on eating before a small voice broke the silence.

"What happens now?" Sisel puts down her utensils and timidly asks.

"As soon as we arrive in the Capitol, you two will be whisked away to get ready for the parade. It's a known fact that District 10 tributes are most likely going to be dressed up like some sort of livestock. Oh, I can't wait to see how you two look this is one of my favorite parts of the games," the escort's saccharine voice grated on Kassiani's nerves. She couldn't help but recall the humiliating "sexy cow" costume that Lurline, her own stylist, had forced her to wear the previous year. The outfit barely covered her body, and was even made of actual cowhides.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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