INFO!! (pls read becuz it is very important)

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Quackity is an incubus! :] Wilbur is just a boring ass human (/lh /j)
Quackity is still a duck hybrid, but now he has horns! Additionally to Quackity's design, it's almost totally different- I decided to take a creative approach by making their designs sort of similar to the designs you see on demons from Helluva Boss. Mostly just sticking to the colors of horns depending on gender, skin being red, and white marks being scars.
I chose this design choice because it makes Quackity more unique compared to Wilbur and also because Quackity's scars are important, but I don't want Wilbur to understand that they're scars right away... >:] you know... for angst.

Also, important detail I'm going to point out right away is that, in this story, Quackity is transgender... ftm.
I'm saying this now for a few reasons: first of all, Quackity isn't transitioned yet, at all. This is due to having no money to put toward transitioning and not being allowed to do it because he's still forced to live with his abusive father.
Additionally, I am not transgender. I do not experience gender dysphoria, so the way I might represent it may be inaccurate to how others feel and experience it. So, I'm asking you all to understand this, and more importantly, if I am ever going about it wrong, instead of hating on me or being rude, please send me a DM and educate me kindly and respectfully.

This brings me to the content warnings...
There are a few topics that will be showing up a LOT (so, in most, if not all, chapters), such as smut, transphobia, homophobia, and abuse.
Some other topics that will show up are depression, eating disorders, s*lf-harm, and possibly su*cide attempt mentions.
I will always put a trigger warning on the chapters if they need one, so please, be safe while you read!

Nothing in this story is meant to mock, make fun of, or hate anyone. This is just some silly little fanfiction written to practice writing skills and explore ideas. I want to explore writing new things and if there's something that comes off as hateful, incorrect, or otherwise, all I need is to be educated so that I can fix it and do better in the future. Thank you to everyone for their patience and to everyone willing to help educate me to do better. :]

Now, aside from content warnings and things about our protagonists... I'd like to expand on the world around them. :]

The first thing is something I'm calling the "Demon Council", to be honest, I only made it for plot convenience and so that things make sense about how they meet. For some reason, I imagine them like the high council in the movie "Horton Hears A Who" (my fucking childhood), and they're like... higher-ups who are rich and snobby and act like they know everything.
The demon council is in charge of those who work in the control center, and those who work in the control center choose who will go up to earth when there are more... ambiguous summons.
While I imagine certain, bigger, more popularly known demons of all sorts have their own specific summoning methods while summoning concubi only has differences by sex. There are only two different methods to summon concubi, one for a (biological) male and another for a (biological) female. Because of this, the control center chooses random concubi to be summoned, using a computer system. The computer system makes it easier to exclude concubi who may be taking time off, are retired, or simply choose not to do all the sex stuff.
It's... messy as fuck. I know that it's messy, but that's what I see working and what I've chosen, so it will likely not change.

Next, meet Quackity's family!
Ivan is the father of Quackity and his younger brother. He is... extremely abusive. He still refers to Quackity with the wrong pronouns and is a verbal and physical abuser to everyone in the family, not just Quackity, though Quackity and his mother, Digi, are his main targets, but especially Quackity now that he's come out.
Digi is the mother of Quackity and his younger brother. Digi is a sweetheart who would very much kill for her sons and will die trying, but she won't die trying because she is a fucking bad bitch- But she knows how many connections Ivan has and Ivan is larger and stronger than her, so the best she can do is try to protect her sons by taking hits for them, despite how many times she gets hurt.
Marcelo is Quackity's younger brother, and as most may know from Darling, You're MINE, he is the stand-in for Mexican Dream. He's grateful to be protected by his mother and brother, but that tends to make him much testier with Ivan when it comes to verbal arguments, but if Ivan is ready to get physical, he'll back down. He leaves the house very often, by sneaking out, and is off seeing the stand-in for none other than Female Dream, whose name is Freya! :]

That's all I'll be revealing for now, hopefully to upload the first chapter soon~

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