Chapter 4

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wattpad fucked up the formatting AGAIN

CW// smut

Quackity's eyes slowly fluttered open, seeing the beautiful morning sun. He blinked slowly, then yawned. 'I must be in the human realm still... you can't even see the sun back at home. Stupid pollution...' He shook his thought off and turned around, his hopes high as he expected to see Wilbur, but much to his dismay, Wilbur... wasn't there.
His heart sank because of it. He saddened, sitting up and sighed. 'Did- Did I really expect him to stay the whole night? Of course, he left, humans are no different from demons.. that's what they all say, right?' He looked down and felt like crying, but his thoughts were interrupted again when he heard the door open.

He perked up, looking up at the door to see Wilbur holding two plates full of, what Quackity could only guess was, food. Wilbur smiled when he saw Quackity awake, "Hey! You're awake!" He walked over to Quackity, "I'm not really sure what demons eat, or if your diet is any different from ours, but one can hope, huh?" He carefully sat down next to Quackity, handing him a plate.
Quackity's eyes softened, and he smiled as he took a plate. "Thank you, Wilbur..." His wings twitched slightly, 'I assumed the worst far too quickly. What other surprises does he have in store for me?' He wondered as he looked down at what was on the plate.
Wilbur noticed his confusion and chuckled. "You don't have waffles down in hell?"
"Uhhh.. no, actually." Quackity answered, "But, they... look good, I suppose." He smiled with a gentle shrug.

He picked up the fork, cut off some of the waffles, and poked the fork into the piece. He quietly ate it, and he perked up, smiling. "Mmmm!" He hummed and nodded at Wilbur, trying to tell him that he liked it.
Wilbur chuckled at him, "You like it?"
Quackity nodded with another hum before he swallowed the piece. "This is amazing!!" He smiled brightly, "Thank you so much!" He kissed Wilbur's cheek quickly before he went back to eating.
Wilbur blushed strongly, then smiled. He looked at Quackity with a smitten expression, breathing out a lovestruck sigh. "I'm glad you like it..."

After a while of cuddling on the couch and chatting as they watched some Futurama. (fucking iconic, i grew up with it) Quackity was quite enjoying it, which made Wilbur happy, and even more amused because Quackity didn't really understand most of the inappropriate jokes or other innuendos. That was going fine until one scene...
Quackity watched the TV calmly, and his wings twitched with curiosity. He turned to Wilbur, "What's Leela wearing?"
Wilbur nearly choked on his water at the question. He gulped it down, coughing a little. "Wh-What?"
"What is Leela wearing? It looks pretty."
Wilbur blushed slightly, wondering how exactly he was going to explain it. "Well- it's called lingerie." He started, "It's spelled a little funny and doesn't look like how you think it would, but it's an article of clothing that is usually used for sleeping, typically reserved for your partner, though... buuut on the other hand, it's... something a lot of people use for... well... sex."

Quackity blushed, "O-Oh." He glanced away shyly, "...I... I think she looks pretty in it... Do... you think I could.. get some.. for us one day...?" He asked shyly, looking back at Wilbur.
Wilbur blushed softly, and he gave Quackity a fond, warm smile. He caressed his cheek, "Of course darling... if that's what you'd like." He smiled. "I'm more than willing to bring you out to buy something you'd like!" He kissed his forehead.
Quackity blushed a little, smiling as he leaned into Wilbur's kiss. "I would love that..."
Wilbur smiled, "It is a Saturday... I don't work tomorrow either, so perhaps we could go tomorrow?"
Quackity smiled and nodded, "Sure!" His tail wagged gently, already excited about it.
Wilbur kissed his cheek, "Anything you have in mind? Something comfy? Cute? Or... perhaps..." Wilbur's hands slowly trailed down the sides of Quackity's body, "Something a little more sexy...~?" He smirked a little, whispering into his ear.

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