Chapter 8

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FINALLY BACK BITCHES!!! sorry if this chapter has more grammar mistakes than normal, I'm at my cousin's house and she is at work, so i have time and more motivation to do some writing. :) since I'm at her house, i have to use my laptop keyboard instead of the keyboard i normally use and i usually don't care too much about going back to fix mistakes before posting, i just kinda... post it- so ye

enjoy :3

tw// abuse, homophobic slurs

Quackity stepped back into his broken home, wearing a big hoodie, as he usually did. "Thanks for taking me, Marcelo," He lightly smiled.
Marcelo nodded, smiling, "I'm glad I could bring you, too bad mom didn't see your reaction, it was a little funny."
Quackity giggled, "Okay, maybe to you!" He gently rolled his eyes.
A sudden 'ahem' suddenly interrupted their conversation, looking towards the sound of the 'ahem', was none other than Ivan.
Quackity gulped, his ears lowering, "uh-"
Ivan walked over, "You are in deep fucking trouble. Marcelo, get your ass to your room."

Marcelo gulped, slowly and hesitantly going to his room, naturally fearing that if he didn't, he would be beaten too.
Ivan grabbed Quackity's forearm roughly, dragging him into Quackity's room where he tossed him against the wall as he slammed the door shut.
Quackity yelped at the loud noise of the door, thankfully catching himself before he hit the wall. He deeply gulped, watching fearfully as Ivan stomped closer, and he flinched as Ivan roughly grabbed the collar of his shirt.
"YOU GOT THE FUCKING SURGERY!?" The large man screamed, right up in Quackity's face.

Quackity yelped lightly, "H-How-"
"Leaving your stupid fucking papers around wasn't that smart, fag," He hissed, holding up the papers that had the information for the top surgery.
Quackity's facial expression dropped, feeling as though the blood from his face dropped into his feet in an instant. He gulped again.
"You are really fucking in for it now!" Ivan yelled once more.

-skipping the abuse because I really don't feel like writing that :,D just know that Quackity's face is very swollen from a black eye and bruised nose-

After Ivan left, Quackity shakily got up to look at himself in the mirror, seeing that his eye was bruising, as was his nose. His face was already getting swollen. He frowned, sighing, 'I won't be able to hide this stuff from Wilbur... Guess I'll just have to wait for it to heal...' He teared up a little bit at that thought, sighing. He went to his bed, curling up as he silently cried.

A few days later...

Quackity was laying in bed, bored as he let the icepack sit on his face to help the swelling from his bruises. He didn't even notice the light that appear around him, but he absolutely noticed the sudden feeling of falling. He lightly screamed, sitting up suddenly and noticing that he was in Wilbur's room. He anxiously looked around, spotting Wilbur, who looked shocked.
"Alex, darling.." Wilbur slowly approached, "What.. what happened...?" He sat on the bed next to him.
"I-I-" Quackity stuttered, trembling and avoiding eye contact.
Wilbur very gently rested his hand on Quackity's cheek, opposite of his black eye. He used his thumb to gently rub his cheek, "Who hurt you, baby...?"
Quackity teared up at his touch, and he quickly broke down into quiet sobs. Wilbur perked up, and he slowly hugged him, rubbing his back.
Quackity leaned his head on Wilbur's shoulder, crying as he clung lightly to his shirt.

Wilbur continued to gently rub his back, "It's alright... I'm here, darling... I'll take care of you," He kissed the top of his head, rubbing his back.
Quackity continued to cry for a little while, and once he calmed down, Wilbur took him downstairs to care for any cuts or scrapes he may have. Once they finished with that, Wilbur and Quackity sat down on the couch to talk.
"So... what happened?"
"uh- my-" Quackity hesitated, but he took a deep breath. "My dad... found out about my top surgery... he's- homophobic and transphobic, he really didn't want this to happen, he- he still calls me 'she' and 'her'... and he.. usually.... beats me-" He rubbed his forearm uncomfortably. "He... went further this time... because of the surgery..."
Wilbur's heart was racing, he was almost seeing red, he was so fucking angry. Why the hell would someone do that to his lover? Quackity wouldn't hurt a goddamn fly, he was so kind, caring, and sweet... He took a deep breath, calming himself, "...I... wish you told me sooner... but I understand why you didn't," He looked at Quackity with soft eyes, rubbing his back once more, "...Darling, when you go back home, I want you to pack up your things and bring them here. I want you to live with me."

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