Chapter 5

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cw// abuse, transphobia, misgendering, also smut... and risky sex. additionally, we shaking it up a bit with some degrading and a bit of roughness :]


Quackity's eyes fluttered open, though he quickly flinched at the beam of light coming from beneath him. He gasped in realization and sat up, quickly putting his shirt on. "Wilbur!" He looked over, shaking him.

Wilbur woke up quickly, very confused. "Hm..?" He sat up, "Oh-"

Quackity hugged him quickly, "I'll see you soon!"

Wilbur hugged back, placing a kiss on his cheek. "I love you.. stay safe, darling." He smiled.

Quackity smiled too, "I love you too," He kissed his cheek, "You stay safe too.." They let go, and Quackity soon fell through the portal, leaving Wilbur alone.

Quackity landed safely on his bed with a sigh of relief, hugging himself and rubbing his arm. This was always the hardest part... Quackity took a deep breath and stood up, grabbing some new clothes to change into before he went into the bathroom to shower.

He took a warm shower, making sure he carefully scrubbed off his body, making sure he washed off the make-up that he always added to avoid anyone seeing his bruises. Once he was all clean, he stepped out and dried off, then got dressed and exited the bathroom. He nearly jumped right out of his skin when he heard the front door slam open, and as he looked over, his heart sank down into his stomach when he saw it was his father.

"There you are!" Ivan stomped over towards him, pulling him by his hair. "Where the hell were you!?" He shouted, "You were gone all fucking day! You were whoring yourself out, weren't you!?"

Quackity whimpered, "I-I- No! I-I wasn't-" He spoke quietly. "I-I was just seeing a-a friend..."

Ivan laughed, "You? Friends? Don't make me laugh." He rolled his eyes and slammed Quackity against the wall, ignoring his cry of pain. "Nobody wants to be friends with a disgusting, fat trannie like you!" He let go of Quackity's hair and slapped him.

Quackity nearly fell to the floor at the power of Ivan's slap, tearing up as he held his cheek. He couldn't even think of a response.

Ivan kicked him down to the ground, "Go ahead, cry! Cry and see what fucking happens!" He stomped on Quackity's wing, which resulted in him screaming in pain.

"IVAN!" Delilah ran over, bravely shoving Ivan aside. "For Satan's sake! At least the house is clean!! Go to bed, it's 4 am!" She pointed to the bedroom.

Ivan scoffed, slapping Delilah, "Stupid bitch! You're lucky I'm fucking tired from gambling." He grumbled as he walked away.

Delilah sighed and turned to her eldest son, kneeling down. "Oh, Alex.. are you okay, sweetie?"
Quackity winced slightly as he sat up, "Ngh- y-yeah... hopefully..." He winced strongly at the cramp in his wing, whimpering slightly. He sighed and carefully straightened his wing out and massaged to remove the cramp. "Th-Thanks for helping..."

"You don't need to thank me for that, hon..." Delilah sighed, "...Were you with that boy again?"

Quackity tensed, "I..." He sighed, nodding. "I was."

Delilah smiled lightly, "That's okay. You don't need to be ashamed."

Quackity nodded, "Thanks, mom..."
She nodded, but then her smile dropped. "He's good to you, right?"
Quackity blushed, "Ah- Mom!"

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