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Used scenes from S1 Ep: 1
"When You're Lost in the Darkness"

Used scenes from S1 Ep: 1 "When You're Lost in the Darkness"

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Caroline woke up to Joel twitching in his sleep. She slowly pushed herself up and gently brushed her hand through his hair, calming him enough that he stopped mumbling and twitching. Getting up from the couch, Caroline glanced around the room looking for Ellie. She breathed out when she was spotted by the window in an old sofa chair.

"You alright?" She asked softly.

"What do you care?" Ellie retorted with a quiet scoff.

Caroline sighed and shifted her wait on her feet. "I don't know you, and you don't know me, but you'll be safe with us." Ellie looked up at her but remained silent for a moment. She seemed to be analyzing the women in front of her.

"Okay." She decided. The young brunette looked back towards the rainfall that covered the decaying area outside the building. "I've never been outside the wall." Caroline stood behind her and followed her line of sight.

"It's not all it's cracked up to be." She told her, and Ellie noticed the underlying sadness in her voice. She debated on asking her about it but chose not to.

Behind them Joel jolted awake, he sat up and looked around trying to find Caroline who had disappeared from his grasp. He calmed once spotting her by the window with Ellie. The red-headed woman walked toward him and placed a hand on his back, rubbing it softly as he bent over putting his head in his hands.

"You mumble in your sleep." Ellie told Joel, earning an unimpressed look from the woman beside her. "Seriously?" Ellie shrugged. "I hate bad dreams." She added and looked back out the window.

"Yeah me too." Joel sighed while rubbing his eyes before standing, he glanced out the window and at the darkened sky. The rain and the night would give them more cover from the soldiers.

"You guys go out there a lot?" Ellie questioned while Joel turned on an old kerosine lantern.

"I guess." He answered shortly. Ellie glanced from him to Caroline and back to him. "So, who's Bill and Frank?" She suddenly questioned. The couple looked over at her in surprise. Ellie gestured to an old music book on the floor by the chair she sat in.

"The radio's a smuggling code, right? '60s songs, they don't have anything new, '70s, they got new stuff. What's '80s?" Not wanting to answer her question Joel returned with one of his own.

"What on earth do the fireflies want with you? You some kinda bigwig's daughter or somethin'?"

"Something like that." Ellie answered. She glanced back out the window before speaking again. "Oh, the radio came on when you guys were sleeping."

That caught the couple's attention, both were wanting to know what Bill and Frank said. "What? What was the song?" Caroline asked.

"It went, "Wake me up before you go-go"?" Ellie half sang the lyrics to the old 80s song.

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