[10] Who's Bill?

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Ellie stood to the side as Caroline and Joel sat down to think of their plan

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Ellie stood to the side as Caroline and Joel sat down to think of their plan.

"Hey, look, um...about Tess.." Ellie began only to be cut off by Joel.

"Here's how this thing's gonna play out. You don't bring up Tess. Matter of fact, we can just keep our histories to ourselves." Joel told her sharply.

"Secondly, don't tell anybody about your condition. They'll either think you're crazy or they'll try to kill you." Joel looked at Caroline pointedly. "That goes for you too."

The redhead nodded, "Yes sir."

"And lastly, you do what I say, when I say it. You stay by me or Caroline. We clear?" Joel asked Ellie who glanced at him but focused on Caroline.

"I'm with him Ellie. Could've been said a little nicer though." Caroline said with a side eye at Joel who willfully ignored her.

"Sure." Ellie said.

"Repeat it." Joel told her.

"Really Joel?" Caroline asked exasperatedly.

"I want to hear her say it." Joel said.

"What you say goes." Ellie finally said. Joel shook his head annoyed with her but accepted it.

"Now, there's a town a few miles north of here." Joel said as he stood up. "There's a fella there that owes me some favors... Good chance he can get us a car."

"Hon, I don't think Bill will help us." Caroline input after making the connection about who he was talking about.

"He probably won't. But Frank will." Joel countered with a knowing look. "Let's get a move on."


Joel led the group through a path in the woods. Ellie was looking around in awe at all the plant life.

"Man.." She breathed out.

"What?" Joel asked her.

"Nothing. It's just... I've never seen anything like this, that's all." Ellie explained while looking around.

"You mean the woods?" Joel said with slight confusion. He didn't get why she was so amazed.

"Yeah. Never walked through the woods. It's kinda cool." Ellie admitted.

The girl released a breath before asking the question she had been holding in. "Why don't you just take me back to Marlene?"

Joel answered her question with a follow up. "If she was up to the task, why'd she drop you off on us?"

"Well maybe she's better now."

Caroline jumped into the conversation so Joel didn't say something that would set Ellie off. "In the shape Marlene was in she wouldn't 'ove been able to handle this trip."

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