Chapter 3- 4

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  Chapter 3 Preparing to Find a Job

  After Mu Qiong chatted with Mu Changyu for a few words, the women who were busy in the kitchen all noticed Mu Qiong.

  An old lady said: "The young man is cured? It's really Amitabha, your mother can finally feel at ease now."

  Another middle-aged woman said to Mu Changyu: "Changyu, what auntie said is correct, right? Loquat leaves are the most effective in curing coughs, and you don't need to spend money to buy medicine."

  At this time, people like to add the word "foreign" in front of the things that come from abroad to call them. For example, potatoes are called "yang sweet potatoes", and matches are called "matches".

  Because the original silver dollar was also imported from abroad, people in Shanghai like to call it "Yangdian", or Dayang for short.

  The small silver coins that circulate in the market together with Dayang are called "Xiaoyang", or "Silver Dime".

  Of course, the copper coins of smaller value are more commonly used by ordinary people, also known as "copper tin".

  Copper coins appeared in the late Qing Dynasty. There is no square hole in the middle of the previous copper coins, and they are heavier.

  Generally speaking, one copper dollar is worth ten copper coins, and there is also the words "ten coins for making money" on it.

  At the moment, the money in the late Qing Dynasty and the money minted by the government today are being used by everyone, so no matter whether it is a small foreign currency or a copper dollar, there are many kinds of shapes, and their values ​​are also different, and the exchange is not in decimal.

  Generally, if one silver dollar is exchanged for a dime of small silver coin, it can be exchanged for eleven or two, and for copper dollars, it can be exchanged for more than one hundred. The specific price is based on the price listed every day by the exchange shop.

  Of course, this was the exchange standard in the early days of the Republic of China.

  According to Mu Qiong's knowledge, in the middle and late period of the Republic of China, silver coins were minted privately in various places, so that copper coins were flooded, and the silver content of silver dimes became lower and lower. These coins became less and less valuable, and even silver coins depreciated. many.

  When Mu Qiong learned about this period of history through books, he felt that the coins at this time were really a bit confusing. Now that Mu Changqiong has the memory, he finally straightened it out.

  "Yes! Thanks to Aunt Zhao!" Mu Changyu smiled at Aunt Zhao, poured the water boiled with loquat leaves into a bowl, and served it to Mu Qiong.

  Mu Qiong took the medicine and drank it slowly while talking to the women who were making breakfast.

  When the original owner arrived in Shanghai, he fell ill after failing to meet relatives. He was always in a daze, thinking only about his own affairs, so that he didn't understand the current environment.

  Mu Qiong's body is still very weak, and his illness is not cured, so he can't go out rashly, so he called these people first: "I was ill and confused before, and I don't know where this is."

  "This house belongs to my aunt?"

  "What's around here?"


  The original owner hadn't suffered much before, and he was raised with fine skin and tender flesh, so although Mu Qiong had suffered a serious illness, Mu Qiong still looked handsome now, and his pale skin, which had not seen the sun for a long time, made him very painful. pity.

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