Chapter 69- 70

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  Chapter 69 Discussion

  Boss Chen liked "Seeking a Doctor" very much. Since he knew that Lou Yuyu was Mu Qiong, he liked this novel even more.

  He reads "Seeking a Doctor" every day, and even starts to learn to read novels for the convenience of reading. Whenever he sees a character he doesn't know when reading a novel, he will ask shopkeeper Zhang, and wait for shopkeeper Zhang to explain the pronunciation of the word and If the meaning is told to him, he will write it several times, write down the words in a notebook he prepared, and then note the phonetic and write the meaning of the words.

  Of course, his phonetic notation is not pinyin, but a homonym that he knows next to it, and the dictionaries at this time are also phonetic in this way.

  For example, "Yu" will write "Yin Tongyu" next to it.

  Today, on the way to the western restaurant, Boss Chen stopped a newsboy as usual: "Give me a Dazhong newspaper and a report."

  "Sir, I'm sorry, the Dazhong newspaper in my hand has been sold out!" The newspaper boy gave Boss Chen a declaration: "Declaration for two copper dollars, do you want the news paper?"

  "Why is Dazhongbao gone?" Boss Chen paid for the declaration.

  "Today's "Seeking Doctor" published the ending, Dazhong Daily sold out immediately, but there will be more later!" The newsboy said: "I'm going to get it."

  "Then send me a copy later." Boss Chen reported his address.

  The newsboy has been selling newspapers in this area, and he is very familiar with the shops here. Boss Chen also knows him, so he immediately responded.

  Boss Chen came to the western restaurant with the declaration, feeling a little hopeful.

  "Seeking a Doctor" is over, and now he really wants to see the ending!

  Fortunately, he soon waited for Dazhong Daily and the ending of "Seeking Doctor".

  The novel "Seeking a Doctor" is written differently from "Study Abroad", or in other words, from all the novels of this period.

  This novel uses a lot of flashbacks and narratives, which can be said to be ingenious.

  And its ending, again, is a memory.

  The crazy woman has been locked in the firewood room for a long time, and she can only eat cold food and cold dishes.

  On this day, she heard the sound of musical instruments outside, as if someone was marrying a wife.

  She suddenly thought of when she got married.

  She is her husband's second wife.

  Her husband's previous wife couldn't bear children and went crazy, so her husband married her.

  When she married in, her husband's first wife was being locked up in the woodshed.

  People outside said that her husband's family was kind, and the wife would not drive away even if she was crazy, and she thought so too.

  She sat in her new house, looking forward to the future, and then her husband arrived.

  Like her husband's first wife, she was delayed in conceiving.

  Her mother-in-law and husband took her to seek medical advice everywhere, and she began to take various medicines.

  At first, she felt that her mother-in-law and husband were very good, and she didn't dislike her inability to give birth. after a few years, taking medicine made her health worse and worse, and her family became poorer and poorer, but she felt something was wrong.

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