Chapter 240

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  The news was reported by a tabloid in Shanghai called Leisure News.

  During the Republic of China, there were many tabloid newspapers that made money by reporting gossip or gossip, and this newspaper was one of them.

  They will fabricate some gossip and publish it in their own newspapers, and they will also send people to interview some people, write some eye-catching news and publish it in the newspaper. The erotic affair of a whore's life or death.

  In fact, the young man has no background, and the prostitute is not considered top-notch. People in the know know that this kind of news is mostly published by the prostitute in order to increase her popularity and advertise herself, but the common people believe it.

  Now, the newspapers said that Huo Ying and Mu Qiong had split their sleeves, and these ordinary people believed it.

  There's no way, what the newspaper said... seems to be the case!

  Why Huo Ying spent a lot of money to run an orphanage for Mu Qiong, why Huo Ying helped Mu Qiong sell his novels to the whole country for Mu Qiong, why Huo Ying allowed students from the school run by Mu Qiong to come to his factory for Mu Qiong There lived... one pile after another, and many things were published in the newspapers.

  In an old teahouse that sold a copper dollar and a pot of tea, a group of people gathered together and were chatting while drinking tea. A newsboy came and said, "Newspapers are here, the public newspapers you want coming!"

  The people in the teahouse suddenly cheered up.

  The people who come here to drink tea are all the low-level people in Shanghai, and the reason why they gather here every morning is not only to drink tea and chat, but also because the owner of this teahouse, an old man who used to be a shopkeeper in a big commercial firm, gives tea every day. They read newspapers.

  Listening to him read the newspaper is the only pastime for many people who come here to drink tea.

  The old man got the newspaper, and first read "The Story of Changing Son" in Dazhong Daily.

  Everyone has been chasing this story for a long time. When the old man reads it, everyone calms down and listens carefully.

  It is also a coincidence that today is just published to the end.

  The old man read the newspaper word by word. It took him a long time to finish reading today's 3,000 words. When he finished reading, someone said: "This family is really miserable, now they have become poor!"

  "This rich family has a hard time!"

  "It's fine if we don't have money, at least we won't encounter such a bad thing."


  Hearing these poor people say this, the shopkeeper was a little funny-even if he was down and out, he must have a better life than these people.

  At this time, everyone was still chatting: "Every story written by Lou Yuyu is really beautiful 1"

  "He's quite capable!"

  "I don't know what he will write next."


  While everyone was chatting, the seven or eight-year-old grandson brought by the shopkeeper suddenly said: "Grandpa, this newspaper has written about Mr. Lou Yuyu!"

  "Oh?" The shopkeeper was a little surprised, while those who came to listen to the story became curious: "And the story of Mr. Lou Yuyu? Read it quickly!"

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