Chapter 77- 78

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  Chapter 77 The Arrival of Fu Yun'an

  In this era, doctors and teachers are highly paid professions, and doctors like Fu Yun'an's income will not be low.

  Therefore, Muqiong did not understand why he resigned.

  Of course, now is not the time to worry about this, Mu Changyu is still waiting for him.

  Mu Qiong called a rickshaw and asked the driver to take him to Chongxin School.

  When Mu Qiong arrived at Chongxin School, the school had already ended, but there were still many people who hadn't left, waiting for family members to pick them up, including Mu Changyu.

  Mu Changyu mentioned that he could go home by himself, but Mu Qiong was worried and insisted on picking him up.

  The concession is already the safest place, but there are still a lot of vagrants smoking opium here. These people may not do anything when they are sober, but they can do anything after smoking opium.

  Not to mention that their school is not in the concession, and Chongxin School is a bit far from their home.

  "Brother!" Seeing Mu Qiong, Mu Changyu raised his hand and waved, his face full of joy.

  "Changyu." Mu Qiong called out, "I'm late."

  "No! I just came out!" Mu Changyu said.

  "Are you Mu Changyu's brother?" Suddenly someone interrupted.

  Mu Qiong looked over and saw a chubby little girl about twelve or thirteen years old, and this little girl was still staring at him.

  "Yes, hello." Mu Qiong smiled at the little girl.

  The little girl blushed immediately and looked away.

  "Brother, this is my deskmate Zhao Xiyun." Mu Changyu said.

  Mu Qiong said: "Hi Zhao Xiyun, my name is Mu Qiong. I heard Changyu mentioned you, thank you for taking care of her."

  "You're welcome." Zhao Xiyun glanced at Mu Qiong, blushing even more, and looked at Mu Changyu again: "Changyu, since your brother is here, I'm leaving, goodbye!"

  After the little girl finished speaking, she ran away in a hurry, and Mu Qiong took Mu Changyu home.

  "Brother, we learned to compose poetry at school today, and we even read Su Shi's Ci, which is really good." Mu Changyu and Mu Qiong walked home together, talking while walking.

  There was only one rickshaw, and although the two of them could fit in, it was not easy for men and women to sit together, so they simply walked back.

  "Next time I'll buy you Tang Poems and Song Ci, you can recite them by heart." Mu Qiong said, and asked Mu Changyu to recite the poems she had learned today, and then explained the meaning.

  The teachers in the school will also explain the meaning, but the explanation is definitely not as detailed as he explained.

  Teachers at this time were still figuring out how to educate students, and many teachers were not born in normal schools.

  When the two talked all the way back home, Zhu Wanwan was already waiting at the door.

  The dishes had already been prepared, and Zhu Wanwan put them on the steaming rack to keep them warm. When she saw them coming back, she quickly brought out the dishes on the steaming rack, and put the steaming rack beside her to hold the rice in the iron pot.

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