Chapter 138

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  After eating noodles, Mu Qiong went to buy a few newspapers, and found... Today's newspaper is really exciting!

  Let's just say that this news paper has two articles side by side on the front page, one is in support of the Japanese, and the other is written by Huo Ershao's people to refute, and he also published his perspective from the perspective of a prostitute novel written.

  Of course, others don't think it's a novel, they think it should be an interview draft or something.

  Mu Qiong read the newspaper, and so did the others.

  And in such a newspaper, the most eye-catching thing is definitely not the two high-level articles on the front page. On the contrary, the novel written by Mu Qiong is the most read and the most impressive.

  For more than half a year, Boss Chen's western restaurant has been doing good business because new dishes are launched from time to time. At the same time, Boss Chen has also developed the habit of reading newspapers.

  The first thing he read was, of course, the Dazhong newspaper.

  After reading "Wandering Notes" in the popular newspaper, he took out several other newspapers, and then looked through the declaration first.

  He only read the headlines in the newspaper, and he would read on if there was something he was interested in, and what he was interested in was undoubtedly news related to foreign wars.

  However, there was no news about that war in today's declaration, but one of the titles caught his attention.

  "Wife Killing and Enmity"? Boss Chen was attracted by the title and read on.

  Probably because the person who wrote the story was not well-educated. The story was written in very vernacular, even if Boss Chen didn't know many words, he could still understand it.

  "Old Zhang, come and read this story." Boss Chen greeted shopkeeper Zhang.

  "What's the matter with this story?" Shopkeeper Zhang asked, and came to Boss Chen's side to read the story.

  And when he saw it, he couldn't stop.

  The Zhang family was killed because they were unwilling to sell their land to foreigners at a very low price. Seeing the protagonist of this story accuse the Japanese, he felt the same way.

  After reading the story, shopkeeper Zhang felt uneasy holding the report.

  "There are stories like this in the newspapers!" Boss Chen said again at this time.

  Shopkeeper Zhang put down the declaration in his hand, and went to read the news paper. After reading it, his eyes were red: "These bastards..."

  At the end of the Qing Dynasty, many wars took place in this country.

  Not counting domestic wars, those who were invaded by foreign countries included the first Opium War, the Second Opium War, the Sino-French War, the Sino-French War, the Eight-Power Allied Forces' War of Invasion of China, etc., and even the Russo-Japanese War. fought on the land of their country.

  In such wars again and again, I don't know how many people have been ruined!

  Shanghai is considered a safe place, but the people here are not uncommonly bullied by people from other countries. Not to mention anything else, it has happened that foreigners beat Chinese people to death in the street.

  Now Mu Qiong's article accusing the Japanese invaders has naturally resonated with many people.

  Boss Chen and shopkeeper Zhang were in tears for a while.

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