chap. 7

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"How is your arm feeling?" Luka asked, the slight shimmering from Ladybug turning everything back disapearing.

Léa tried moving her arm, first hesitant, then properly once she didn't feel the same pain. Sure, it was stiff and uncomfortable, but it didn't hurt. "It doesn't hurt anymore. I guess that means the akuma is gone?"

The older teenager nodded. "Most likely. Let's find the others." He helped her up.

Outside, they found that the school had been repaired, and kids had started gathering in the courtyard. Ms. Mendeleiev ushered students down the closest set of stairs, she went over to Luka and Léa as soon as she was done. "Good to see you up, Léa. Luka, I spoke to Mr. Blanchet, he is gathering your class in the courtyard with everyone else. Léa, please head down with him. If you see David and Marinette, tell me."

They nodded, and did as they were told. They found their classmates, Marc currently having a heated discussion with one of the upperclassmen, both seemingly in agreement with something. Marc stopped mid-sentence when he saw them coming towards the group. "Léa!" He nearly knocked her over as he grabbed her. "Holy shit, how are you? Anything hurting?"

Léa shook her head. "I'm okay now. You know, when you said akumas are terrifying, I think you understated it."

"Yeah, they're nothing to sneeze at." One of Luka's classmates said. "You should have seen Syren. She temporarily killed 70% of the city."

The mere thought made her feel ill once more, something that must've been clear on her face because Nathaniel spoke up. "Don't scare her more, Dante. Marc is happy to finally have her around."

"Yeah, don't scare her away!" A girl in a wheelchair chimed in. "Nath and Marc have been talking about her in art club all week, I wanna get to know her." She shook Léa's hand. "My name is Cerise, the guy over there is Dante. We're both in the art club."

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Léa." Léa smiled, shaking her hand.

More and more students entered the courtyard as the small group of students spoke. Léa could distinguish her class, part of Luka's and some from Marinette's former class, the last named talking LOUDLY about the fight. The mere mention of the akuma made Léa feel a shiver go down her back.

"I think it's the biggest akuma yet, maybe even bigger than the Godzilla one." The blogger said, sounding more excited than Léa felt the situation deserved. "I'm impressed they found a way to defeat that doll, it looked like it was about to go on a rampage."

Léa tried to ignore her, just like the rest of the students did, many of them used to Alya Cesaire. Then another girl chimed in, cheery and smiling. "It's too bad Ladybug won't let Chat Noir do more work. He's so smart and she just refuses to let him show it."

Marc's hand on her shoulder was the only thing stopping her from trying to get into the other girls face, the feeling of cold anger in her veins. "You want to give the supposed hero that doesn't give a shit about civilians MORE chances to fuck them up? Be for fucking real." She should most likely have thought more before saying it, but it was too late now. Her words had been loud enough to catch the attention of many surrounding students.

The one that had praised the cat hero didn't reply, the only indication of her having heard the Anciel girl being a slight widening of her eyes. The blogger, however, seemed indignant. "You said you have barely heard of Chat and Ladybug, what gives you the right to shit on his abilities?"

"He rushed in, didn't check shit about the situation and because of HIM, I was thrown straight into the ground by a gigantic monster. I have every fucking right to shit on his abilities because he has no idea what he's actually doing." Léa snapped. "Anyone that thinks that kind of action makes you a good hero, should never be allowed to have power."

Alya looked ready to blow a gasket, only stopped by another student holding her back. "Why- you-"


What Marinette came back to was a stand-off between Alya and Léa, neither willing to back away.

Léa was glaring at Alya, posture stiff as she clearly exercised restraint to keep herself from doing something stupid. Alya, however, was being held back by Nino who was trying to diffuse the situation.

What ultimately broke the stalemate was their art teacher stepping in.

"Now, now, let's all calm down. We just had an akuma, we don't want more immidietly, do we?" He gently separated the teenagers, standing like a shield in between.

Not being able to see each other directly worked to diffuse the situation, and Alya let herself be pulled along to her own class.

Léa was still frowning, until she saw Marinette. "Marinette!"

The sudden influx of people surrounding her and checking on her was a tad overwhelming, and she was grateful when Luka asked everyone to back up. "Let's listen to what the teachers have to say, we can get together later and check on each other more."

The others hesitated, but once a teacher called for attention they agreed, and Marinette, much to her embarrassment, was left with Luka standing with his arm wrapped around her shoulder. "Are you okay?" He whispered, appearing relived when she nodded.

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