The Morning

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It was the morning. 7:00am to be precise. The stupid pre-set UA alarm clocks had woken Dabi up from his slumber. He shot his head up forgetting that his restraints made it so his hands would follow. 'Ouch..' He thought as he felt his sore neck. Those chains were not gonna be his friend when it came to sleeping.

It took him a few seconds to remember where he was. 'Righttt, I'm in godamn UA'. He slowly crawled out of bed, cursing under his breath. Thankfully, since his hair was spiky, he didn't have to do anything with it. There was a note on his bedside table: 'Today we will be going on a class outing in attempt to re-introduce you to normal society. Someone will be arriving shortly to temporarily replace your restraints so you can change, be ready by 8:00. -Eraserhead.'

Great, now he'd have to spend the day with a bunch of brats and be dragged around like a dog in some outing. This day was gonna suck balls.

"Is Dabi in here?" A caramel female voice sounded. The door opened to reveal a pro hero. Midnight. She was wearing her hero uniform. The sheer tights covering her just enough for the costume to be able to use in publicity. "Come over here dear, I need to take off that chain while you change." She didn't seem frightened by the villain, Midnight was treating him as any other student. She slowly approached Dabi. He didn't flinch as the chain fell from his neck and clattered against the metal on his wrists. Then, one by one, the chain too was removed from his wrists. "Now just remember, your quirk is still cancelled so don't try anything... Oh! Also there are some clothes in the en-suite bathroom." Nemuri gave a sweet smile and put him on his way.

Inside the en-suite, there were no windows to prevent any escape and inside all the drawers there was nothing even remotely sharp: like a razor. Then again it wasn't like he'd need one, his scarred jaw's hair follicles were too damaged to produce even the slightest stubble; Dabi wasn't complaining. There was a neat stack of casual-style clothes lying, piled up on the floor. A plain black shirt, some denim trousers, a grey hoodie and the needed undergarments. Not too bad honestly. He quickly changed, slightly struggling to bring the jumper cuffs over the metal bands still on his wrists (only the chain connecting the collar and wristbands was removed so he was able to put things on).

"Are you done yet dear?" Midnight's voice came from the other room. Dabi could hear the clinking of metal on metal from the chains which were inevitably in her hands. "Yeah, just let me open the damn door." He strolled out of the room in his new outfit, he decided not to wear the jumper just incase he would get too warm and wouldn't be able to take it back off, plus his skin was naturally warmer. Midnight re-attached the chain linking all his restraints together. "Follow me to the bus and we'll get going..." she gave a soft smile and they walked off.

On the bus...

Dabi was sat next to a pink-skinned girl. Mina. She was blabbering on about some social media trend to Bakugo who was behind her. He seemed very uninterested. "Shut it pink face, I'm trying to think." He interrupted Mina in the middle of her sentences. She looked annoyed but unsurprised, "You're so boring Bakugoooo." Ashido pouted and looked out the window, in the reflection she saw Dabi: she'd forgotten he was sitting next to her. 

Mina tensed up at the sight of him, Dabi noticed it as well, "I can't kill you kid, what am I gonna do, scare you to death with my scars? Tch." He spat out. It's original intention was to be an intimidation but Mina laughed. It was a small giggle that came out of her. "What the fuck kid, are you sociopathic?! That shouldn't be funny..." Dabi was confused by the girl's humour, how was his statement funny? "S-Sorry, it's just I didn't expect anything like that from you since you're y'know a villain." "Tch, whatever kid."


MHA Villain Rehab: Dabi [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now