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Lying in his room Dabi was still frustrated from his earlier meeting with Endeavour and the other pro heroes. He managed to irritate his father true, but it was a self sacrificial win: just like many things were for him.

As he lay there, he became aggravated himself. The restraints were really starting to get to him in the worst way possible. If only he could've accessed his cremation quirk and melted them off. Sure, it may've burnt his skin beyond repair but at this point he thought it'd be worth it.


Endeavour's PoV:

Godamnit! That meeting with Dabi went terribly. He made an embarrassment of me and brought up my biggest shame in life, maybe without even knowing it... then again those freaks in the league have access to more information than I can comprehend so maybe he really did know what he was doing there.

I have no idea why the UA is giving him a chance! He's a notorious criminal who shows no remorse for his actions, scum like that should be locked up without a second thought.
He is the vermin of our world, a plague on what should be justice. Second chances are occasionally great things, but when it comes down to mass murderers like him, people who kill for the fun of it...

Redemption isn't even possible.


Dabi's PoV:

As bored as this godforsaken school makes me I must admit seeing the fury and detest on all those pro's faces was quite satisfactory. They all thought they could control me with the leash of their very presence. Well, it was a nice try.

Quite amusing, no? People who believe themselves to be so powerful that just being in a room with a criminal could take the unruliness. Yet my chaos only exists because of their power.
If they didn't claim to be justice, if they didn't claim to have some sort of righteousness... then my situation would be very different indeed.

Then again, if they didn't have those false beliefs maybe I wouldn't have existed in the first place...
Fate and reason are such arbitrary yet interesting things.

I get up from the bed with a slight groan, this neck restraint is starting to make me feel sore. Today I'm being forced to sit in a room for an hour with a police therapist to try and figure out what's wrong with me... of course it isn't for my betterment but just for everyone else to find a reason to sympathise with me. A reason to continue pursuing this false dream of theirs to fix me.

As I get up and go over to the door I'm greeted by that rat of a principal: Nezu.
He cheerfully greets me: "Hello Dabi, I have come to escort you to your rehabilitation session, you will be alone with the 'helper' aside from one pro hero, notably Midnight, standing in the left corner behind you. My hope is everything will go well."

When the rat finished I scoffed.

"Do you really have this planned out to the very corner the pro will be standing in. My my, if I didn't know any better I'd say you think I'm some sort of wild animal"

Nezu continued smiling but slightly harsher this time said: "While we do not think of you as a wild animal that is not to say we trust you completely. These precautions simply have to be taken while we find you a bit more unpredictable than we'd like"

How ridiculous. I do not agree that I'm unpredictable, if anyone in this place had used their damn brain my intentions would be as clear as my scars. I don't want redemption, my cause, my reason is to show everyone that while I may be a villain, so are they.

Villainy hides in all their hearts, not just mine. We are all wicked and past redemption, but we shouldn't hate ourselves for it. Instead we should use it as a lesson for everyone else.

Those who've wronged us shouldn't get away so easily. I should be able to show everyone from my past how grave their mistakes were...

MHA Villain Rehab: Dabi [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now